Tea and Rabbits

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Author: femmeferret
Title: Tea and Rabbits
Pairing(s): Harry/Draco
Rating: PG13
Summary: Harry gets fired from his job, and Aberforth Dumbledore hooks him up with a new partner in crime.
Warnings (if any): EWE, Character Death (not Harry or Draco)
Total word count: 2,250

Tea and Rabbits

When Harry Potter had decided to become an Animagus, he had had plans. Plans to root out the remaining Death Eaters. Plans to continue the legacy of Prongs and Padfoot.

Grand plans. Fucking fantastic plans.

All of which had gone to hell this morning, and he was quite justified, thankyouverymuchHermione, to be drowning his sorrows. Quite justified indeed.

Aberforth Dumbledore was a good sort of chap to have cleared the bar out so Harry Potter could get well and truly pissed without having to sign autographs, drink to his health or smile when parents told him they had named their children after him. And when Aberforth had plonked the bottle of Firewhiskey down at his table without a glass, Harry had felt rather brotherly towards him.

Their friendship was a…unique sort. Co-dependent was what Hermione had called it, but what did Hermione know about it? She had come out of her Animagus training with a respectable animal.

Not a….

Harry shuddered, sloshing Firewhiskey down his Auror uniform, before bringing the bottle back up to his lips. He couldn’t even think about it. It was too…intolerable. Insufferable. Incorrigible.

“Inconceivable,” added Aberforth helpfully.

“Yessss!” hissed Harry, staring blearily at his friend, his good, good friend. The only one who really understood him.

“And you punched Shacklebolt across the mouth just after you…found out?”

“After he laughed,” Harry said darkly, remembering how the Minister of Magic’s booming laugh had reverberated in his sensitive ears. “I can’t believe he fired me.”

Aberforth snorted. “You hated your job anyway.”

Harry waved his hand dismissively and would have fallen off his stool if Aberforth hadn’t caught his flailing arm, getting liberally baptized with Firewhiskey in the process. “He said I only joined the Aurors anyway because I wanted to forget about Ginny!”

“You did,” said Aberforth bluntly, his shaggy eyebrows arched over his brilliant blue eyes.

Harry gave him a squinty glare. Where had his glasses gone? “So?” he asked challengingly. “I’m good at my job! You don’t fire Harry Potter for a little slap!”

This time, Aberforth did let Harry fall, and Harry looked up at him from the dirty floor with wounded betrayal.

“Harry, you were in the papers every other day for mouthing off to politicians, accusing them of everything from adultery to blood discrimination—”

“Well they were!” blasted Harry, his eyes blazing.

“Without any proof,” continued Aberforth. “You let your cases pile up, you rarely went to briefings, Bronwyn Bower has a restraining order on you after you snuck into her office and planted Eavesdropping Spells. You knocked the Minister of Magic’s front two teeth in when he laughed you because your Animagus is—”

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