Kitty Kisses (2/2)

Start from the beginning

And when Voldemort whirled to face him again, he nodded as their suspicions were confirmed and the monster chocked and then fell, wheezing, to the floor. Drawing close to the dying wizard Harry quoted to him: “Allergies, if not treated immediately at the onset of an attack, may be fatal.” Harry spoke the words in a monotone before checking the pulse. He needn’t have bothered, as he felt the last exhale. It seemed that reptilian noses were not equipped for such things such as allergies. And this time, the bastard wasn’t coming back, since the Order’s spies had ensured the destruction of the things that had kept him alive that first time.

Harry Potter turned around and rushed to Draco, who had passed out under the pain of the Cruciatus. Carefully picking up the other boy Harry activated the Emergency Portkey the Headmaster had made, which took them directly to the Hospital Wing. Once there, he tenderly placed his precious burden on a bed before rushing anxiously after Madam Pomfrey. Thankfully she was in her office, with the Malfoys, who rushed past Harry when they heard what had transpired. Spies for the Order until the last possible moment, it was clear that all they cared about now was the well being of their son, for which they had changes sides and fought to protect.

When Pomfrey shooed them away from the bedside so she could work, Mrs. Malfoy approached Harry. It was all Harry could do not to transform and scamper off at the sight. Mrs. Malfoy warmly took his hands in hers and sat him down on an unoccupied bed.

“Thank you for sending the Patronus Mrs. Malfoy. Your Patronus is beautiful by the way.” Harry blurted before he could stop himself. But he was grateful he had gone to Draco and to have had the Malfoys on his side to find and destroy the Horcruxes.

“Thank you. Are you well, Mr. Potter?” she asked in a soft voice, soothing his frazzled nerves a bit. Harry bit his lip as he fought not to transform.

“I’m fine” Harry said hating himself for the tremor he could hear in his voice. He gasped as he felt the comfort of Mrs. Malfoy soft hand gently stroking the back of his hand. And when their eyes met, he could no longer hold back his transformation when he saw the understanding in blue eyes, so similar to Draco’s. Those same hands held him gently as the petting was resumed all along his back. It soothed Kilmousky and soon he was a purring mess of relaxation, so much in fact that he nearly missed Mrs. Malfoy’s next words.

“I am very glad your Animagus form is a cat, Mr. Potter. Lucius still isn’t very sure but I will work on it.”

She petted him a little more before placing him on the bed and leaving the ward, with Lucius in tow. They moved as one and for a little while Kilmousky wondered if he and Prince would ever move like that. Then he turned to the matron with a questioning mew.

“He will be fine, Mr. Potter. I have administered the pain potion and . . .” the rest was lost in the relief Kilmousky felt at the news.

He turned to stare at the still form on the bed and when he heard that Pomfrey had entered her office again, he jumped off the bed and crawled up Prince’s. He touched his nose to the so still, pale hand and mewed pitifully. Really though, Prince should be awake, shouldn’t he? Kilmousky tried biting a finger and despaired at the lack of reaction. Deciding to wait it out, he jumped on top of his chest and settled over the heart, hoping to hear when his Prince would awaken.

The constant thump, thump suddenly became thump, thump, thump, meaning someone was waking up. Soft fur brushed against chin as grey eyes opened to stare right into green. The kitty kiss was inevitable but the kitty hug was a new one. Soft paws pressed against his cheeks as their noses rubbed, then slid around his throat, as the kitten curled around his throat. The moment of tenderness lasted long enough for Draco to relax, confident he was safe and warm and fuzzy inside at his kitten’s caring. Said kitten then moved to its hunches and growled as he patted his nose and cheeks in reprimand for the worry.

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