Chapter 16 - Home Sweet Home

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Waking up, Katsuki glanced to his side to find Izuku laying in their bed next to him. Yawning, he asked, "So what was last night about?"

"It was nothing." Izuku snapped, getting out of bed and leaving Katsuki alone. Katsuki sighed and rubbed the sleep out of his eyes. Slipping out of bed and changing into some fresh clothes, he paused at the large barless window. Cracking it open, he refreshed himself with the crisp morning air. Scratching his neck, he picked at the collar around it. It pinched his skin uncomfortably but he was used to it by now.

Figuring that Izuku wouldn't want to go without breakfast for much longer, he left the bedroom. Walking through the carpeted hallway, he passed Izuku in the living room on his way to the kitchen. He paused to stoke Susu's back then continued.

Cooking breakfast just as he did every day, he brought Izuku his plate and sat down on the couch next to him. He let Izuku pick what they watched on tv since he didn't like romance. Apparently, Izuku had all the romance he could ever want, which was sweet, but Katsuki still wanted to watch his shows. Though in the end, it didn't matter. Izuku was happy. As long as Izuku was happy, everything would be okay.

Izuku picked at his food with a dissatisfied expression. "It's cold," he complained.

Halfway through Izuku's sentence, Katsuki was already putting his own food down and getting up to help him. "I'll make you something else-"

Izuku slapped away Katsuki's hand and snapped, "It's fine. I'll just eat it." The pissed-off look remained on Izuku's face, putting Katsuki on edge.

The two ate in silence, Katsuki finishing his breakfast first so he'd be ready to take Izuku's plate. Izuku lifted his plate up for Katsuki as he stood up. Taking the plates to the kitchen, he scraped off the leftover food into the garbage and placed the plates in the sink for him to clean later.

Sitting in tense silence, Katsuki gulped and asked nervously, "Can I go outside?"

Izuku didn't bother to look away from the tv. "Yeah sure." Tapping his neck, he said, "Just don't go past the fence." Katsuki nodded and headed outside to sit on the wooden bench on the porch. He watched as cars and people went by, waving to them as they passed.

Izuku and Katsuki had moved to this neighborhood about three years ago. They lived here under false names. You'd think Katsuki's face would be recognized but no one would be searching for a dead man in a suburban neighborhood. In time, Katsuki had earned more of Izuku's trust. Katsuki was now allowed to do whatever he wanted in the house, he could even go outside on his own. Though he couldn't leave the property without Izuku. Izuku also gave him a phone. Now of course Katsuki wasn't allowed to contact anyone from his past life, that was a big no-no, but it was still such a big step! His internet and call history were constantly monitored but it didn't bother him much. But the most heartwarming thing Izuku did was give Katsuki his quirk back. The downside was that since he had been taking that drug for over a year, it left permanent damage on his quirk. Creating explosions wasn't painful anymore but they were more similar to the ones he could create when he was in elementary school. It wasn't much but it was something.

Whatever it was, he needed to do it for Izuku. Whether it was patience, or chores, or intimacy, it didn't matter. Izuku needed him, Katuski couldn't just turn him away. It was Katsuki's fault that Izuku was like this, it was his responsibility to love him and take care of him.

With a huff, Katsuki stood back up and headed inside to tend to Izuku. Walking over to the couch where Izuku was sitting, he asked, "Is there anything I can do for you, Izu?"

Izuku patted the seat next to him. Katsuki complied and went around to sit down. Izuku wrapped his arm around Katsuki and pulled him in close to cuddle. Izuku climbed onto Katsuki, laying his head on his chest. Hugging Katsuki tightly, Izuku asked, "Are you happy here with me?"

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