His lips tilt with amusement.

"The hall? Shilla, I don't want to see you disappointed again when I have you down on the floor."

I frown.

"I'm going to win this time. Last time I made a mistake— that's all. Besides, I've been practicing too."

The amusement grows deeper.

"You've been practicing?"


And an excited squeal escapes my lips when he stands up. He hadn't agreed to come with me for nearly a month, and I'd asked him at least twice every week.

I clench my fists, still excited.

I was going to beat him.


He's good.

But he's not unbeatable.

Staring at him, I set my feet down on the blue mat of the training hall. My entire body tenses the moment he comes closer, now dressed in white.

I'm dressed in the same material he's wearing, for fighting.

"Taekwondo first?" He says, rewrapping the bandage around his hand. He'd hurt it a few days ago, while taking down a man who'd tried to break in the company.

He'd been stupid trying to break in to one of the most guarded companies in all of South Korea, but he'd had a gun.

"Yeah." I say, starting off the usual competitive teasing.

"You sure you're going to be okay with that hand? We're only using head and chest gear."

He raises a brow.

"That's something you don't need to be worrying about." He says blandly, voice wavering with mockery. "I'll have you under me in a minute flat."

I set my stance.

"Then don't cry about it when you realize you're going to lose."

And I'm surprised.

I'd expected his form to fall, because of his healing wound. But it barely seems any different than his usual as I avoid a blow to the side of my head.

I swallow.

He's so fast.

But I wasn't the winner of two international championships for nothing.

Avoiding another blow, I press through his guard and force him back— nearly to the edge of the mat. He counters my kick at the end, and I pretend to fall away before aiming another at his side.

It takes him aback, I can feel it.

But when I try to follow up with a finishing blow, he finds himself again.

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