Chapter 13: The Dungeon and Goodbye

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Kirito, Asuna, Simon, Yui, Sasha, David, Koharu, Philia, Ashley, and Saber head to an orphanage where the children eat breakfast.

Simon: A lot of children here.

Sasha: It's like this pretty much all the time. Is Yui alright?

David: I don't know with her parents here.

Kirito: We made sure that she got a good sleep.

Sasha: Has this happened before?

Asuna: We don't know.

Simon: We just found her on the 22nd floor when a certain edgelord scared me and Asuna to hell.

David: Seriously, Kirito.

Kirito: At least it wasn't real.

Asuna: Still!

David: But still... you guys said you found her on Floor 22, right?

Asuna: Yeah. But it seems as though she's lost her memories. All she remembers is her name.

Simon: We just couldn't leave her.

David: You made the right choice to take her in.

Ashley: You think she has amnesia?

Kirito: Maybe. But we can't be certain if she has. By the way, is Saber also like that?

Saber: I can't remember certain parts of my memories however I remember dying before.

Asuna: Dying? In the game?

Philia: Well, she is the same Saber from Fate/stay night, Artoria Pendragon, King of Knights.

Asuna: She must be a program then if that's the case. With Yui, however...

Yui: Here you go Mommy.

Yui gives her bread, much to Asuna's delight.

Asuna: Thank you so much, Yui.

Then, Asuna strokes Yui's head.

Ashley: M-Mommy?!

Asuna: She didn't know how to pronounce our names, so she went for "Mommy, Daddy, and Uncle".

Koharu: That makes sense.

Yui: (to Simon) Uncle, here.

Simon: Thank you, Yui.

Philia: Simon is the uncle?

Kirito: Yeah.

Simon: Hehe...

Asuna: Back on topic: we figured that someone around here might know who she is.

Kirito: Do you know anyone Sasha?

Sasha: Unfortunately. I don't she ever lived here. When the game started, most of the children were scared and traumatized. I couldn't leave them to fend for themselves, so I brought them here in this church. Everyday, I walk around town looking for children who need help, but I've never seen anyone like Yui.

Saber: You never saw her?

Sasha: I'm sorry.

Asuna: I see.

They hear the door knock and go to answer it.

Simon: Yes? Who is it?

Yulier: Pleased to meet you. I'm Yulier from the Liberation Army.

David: The Liberation Army? What are you doing here?

Yulier: I wanted to thank you for yesterday. I also wish for your assistance.

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