20. Wildest Dreams.

Start from the beginning

“Afternoon Jasmin.”  Squeaking out a greeting in return before stumbling out of the closet into the reception area “Hey Denaun, Jane is in the car waiting for me. Why don’t you go see her? Trying to kill two birds with one stone, if he’s weird about seeing her, then that’s what’s up with Jane.

He looks out in the direction of the car before he turns, mumbling something about confusing ass women and walking off slowly.

I need to get out of here and have a conversation with Jane.

“Marshall, hurry up.” A large voice booms out from the office opposite and Marshall swears behind me before following me out and dragging me unceremoniously behind him into the room.

“Now your in trouble” he smirks at me. What the fuck? I need to abort this mission right now. But it’s too late. I felt brave earlier now I’m feeling cowardly.

“Jasmin, this is Paul! Paul... Jasmin” holy shit he’s huge! he towers over me by at least three feet, maybe more. His height intimidates me but I stand my ground and politely shake the meaty fist waved in front of me. My dress feels really short now.

“Lovely to meet you Jasmin, I just needed to meet the woman who tamed the wild beast here” I laugh and Marshall bristles with anger beside me “I ain’t been tamed”

I shrug my shoulders “He’s a pussy cat really, purrs like a kitten, don’t you pet” Grinning at Marshall while he looks at me like he’s going to murder me.

“Em get out!” I feel Marshall annoyance as Paul orders him out of the office, fear creeps slowly up my spine in response. I sit down, quietly wishing the tension in the room would disappear its hurting my head. Marshall marches over and kisses me harshly forcing his tongue into my mouth, I feel like he’s marking his territory but he pulls away just as quickly, smiling and to my disbelief Marshall turns and walks out without a word, leaving me at the mercy of the big guy now sitting next to me. I smile sweetly at him.

“Could have gone my whole life without witnessing whatever that was” he muses smoothing down his shirt and jacket. All I can think is where the hell do you find clothes to fit an actual giant.

“No need to look so worried Jasmin, I don’t bite. I need to set my mind at rest. We probably have five minutes before his patience runs out and he’s back in here.” he seems still to be friendly enough towards me as I nod my head slowly, bracing myself.

“I came here to have Marshall get you to sign an NDA, as you can imagine my suggestion went down like a lead balloon” he grins, I know Marshall would have hit the roof on that one and weirdly enough I don’t feel as offended by Paul as I think I might have been. He’s looking out for a friend and colleague and its difficult to get mad at that.

“I can imagine! Paul my only knowledge of an NDA comes from reading Fifty shades of grey” we both laugh at my expense and I’m also strangely okay with that.

“But as a Doctor, I took an oath regarding patient confidentiality and its so ingrained in me that I would never think to break that or use it against anyone. Even now when I’m no longer practising medicine.”

I try to explain that selling Marshall out is not high on my list of priorities “Not even for money, if you needed it for your husband”

“No, not even then. Besides I don’t even know how I’d begin to explain any of this” Marshall has obviously been a chatty Cathy today and filled him in on Jack. I’m being surprisingly tolerant with these questions. My eyes scan Paul’s face slowly, this man has known my ‘not’ boyfriend Marshall for a long time. And I only see concern on his face.

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