

Now that you've walked back and forth from the house and the palace a few times, you were pretty used to it. You wouldn't really need a carriage unless it was an emergency or anything.

You met up with Jimin and Jungkook during tea that afternoon, just to talk. You had nothing to do and when you'd ran into them bickering in the corridor of the east wing, you'd decided to break up their fight with an offer of tea (banana milk for one) and some cookies you'd been able to try earlier.

Jungkook offered that the two of you (Jimin invited himself) have tea every day from then. And of course, you'd agreed-- you had nothing better to do and they were always free during that time. And since neither of them had enough time to go home and back, they ended up arguing and fighting until they were called back to duty.

You spent the time until dinner organizing your threads and needles by colour and size. While you'd once thought that maybe living in the palace would allow you to get more of the stuff you wanted, you now felt awkward asking for anything.

You'd make do with what you had.

Then dinner rolled around and Yoongi was missing once again. This time, however, so was Namjoon. N/W explained over sushi (she had to have a vegetarian version that she wasn't enjoying so much) that the men were at one of the conferences that took place at the beginning of each month.

This made you feel better about the absence of your husband and you and n/w spent much longer than it took to eat sushi talking about her baby, your brother that she, too, found oh-so-handsome, and what you'd done all day.

"He didn't show you around?" You put on a smile and shook your head.

"It's okay; he was busy I'm sure." N/W sighed.

"He's been closed off since I met him a few years ago." You smiled, leaning in.

"How did you meet the pri-- Namjoon?" N/W grinned.

"It was love at first sight." Of course it was. "I was with my brother-- Seokjin?" You laughed at the memory of his daughter. She nodded. "Exactly who you're thinking of."

You laughed even harder. "Your niece is super cute."

"She is-- isn't she? She's pretty excited for a cousin." N/W looked down at her stomach and sighed. "Anyway, what was I saying?"

"You were with your brother..."

"Yes-- so I was with him at a plant shop, greenhouse-- I'm not sure-- not far from here, and Joon walked in. And we aren't royalty-- not really, we have some royal blood in us and we're pretty close with our cousins who happen to be princes and princesses of the kingdom we come from but not us ourselves, right?" You nodded, taking a sip of your water. "And we were in this kingdom here with our cousins-- perhaps they were attending the same conference the boys are at today, I can't remember. And there he was."

"You saw him at the conference?"

"No, no, it was early in the afternoon and I'd asked Jin to take me to a flower shop and we ended up in a greenhouse with a lot of plants and he was looking at some trees." You smiled. "He was really cute, and then I, of course, wanted the same exact plant he was looking at." You laughed.

"What was it called?"

"Who the hell knows-- some plum tree." You laughed. "And he looked quite shocked to see me, eyebrows raised and whatever and that's where it all began."

"That's cute," you said with a smile. She nodded.

"And you with Yoongi?" Your eyebrows raised.

"We met at the ball." She smiled.

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