Gandolf the Goat

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 h6si2cwk45privaterel you sparked this idea! I don't know exactly if this is what you wanted but here it is ;)


You were bored in the glade. You were often bored being trapped in the four-walled prison. However, you learned early on to mask your boredom or either Newt or Alby would give you extra chores. You hated being bored but you hated doing extra chores even more. Medjack, that was your job, you never got a full day off but whenever someone didn't need tending to, you were free of work. Clint & Jeff were tending to Winston and Jackson (2 of the slicers) in the medhut. Normally you would go and find your boyfriend, Gally, but Alby was helping the builders today and you didn't want him to see you. A sudden urge overcame you to visit the blood house, maybe someone needed medical help over there? Walking into the blood house the overwhelming stench of death fills your nostrils. 


"Hey y/n!" Someone calls from behind you, spinning on your heels you smile at Dani (one of the slicers). Trying not to notice his blood-soaked shirt and a machete in his hand. It never made sense to you how someone could stomach being a slicer, and killing every day. 

"Hiya Dani! I'm just wandering so let me know if I bother you" You shrug off your previous thoughts and look around at the stacked crates and containments of live, loud animals.

"trust me you can't bother me anywhere near as much as the animals in this place" Dani is speaking but you're not paying attention. Your mind remembering a picture book of a farm that the creators sent up in the box, you had read it with Chuck last night. Your favorite animal in the whole book had been an animal you had never remembered seeing in the glade.

"do you have goats?" You blurt, clearly catching Dani off guard.

"huh?" A blush heats up your cheeks as you feel bad for interrupting him.

"do you have goats?" You repeat your blush disappearing. Turning your head you search for the trash-eating creature.

", just cows, chickens, pigs, and sheep, why?" His eyebrows knit together looking at you in pure confusion.

"Just wondering" You shrug an idea popping into your head.

"okay?" He stretches this word out staring you down. "Well nice seeing you y/n I'm gotta get back to work" A smile spreads on your face.

"K bye Dani" With a wave you leave the blood house. You're going to do something a little stupid. Waltzing into the medhut you don't even hear the greetings of Winston, Jackson, Clint, and Jeff, razor-focused on finding a piece of paper. Finally, you locate a small notepad and pen grabbing them and sprinting out of the hut leaving the four boys incredibly confused. Jogging over you to the middle of the glade you reach the box. You drop down in the grass pulling the pen and notepad onto your lap.

Dear creator people,

I don't like you, because you took away my memory and sent me up to this prison with a glade full of stinking boys! However, I would be willing to look past that if you would send me a baby goat, preferably a girl (because everything here has a PENIS and ENOUGH IS ENOUGH). You should send up this goat because it would make me very happy, and it's hard to be happy sometimes in the glade. If you don't want me to be happy then send me the goat anyway because my heart will probably explode from its cuteness so you would never have to deal with me again :)  thanks, shanks!


You read the letter and then rip it from the notepad. Leaning forward you drop the note in the open box watching it gently flow down. Then you close each of the top rusted doors, with a smile you turn on your heel, the box beginning to go down. Looking over the glade you see your favorite glader. Breaking in a sprint you head straight for him.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 12, 2021 ⏰

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