Lost (fluff)

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You had to run in the maze today. You alternated jobs almost every day depending on who needed help. Today the runners needed you to help in the maze. You already knew the way around the maze you had been one of the first gladers and you had created the basis around the running job. However, as more greenies came up you decided to just begin helping whichever job you wanted. Recently a small cold had broken out over the glade and 4 of the runners were sick. You were going to substitute with the medjacks today but Alby had told you to run instead and he would help out. You had been assigned sector 3 and had spent your day weaving through the stone, ivy filled corridors of the maze.  You had made it to your sector by lunch and had stopped to eat. The rest of the day was quite uneventful until you run back you didn't see a crack in the floor and you tripped. Falling flat on your face you groaned but thought overall you were fine. You stood up to keep running but felt a sharp stabbing pain in your ankle. Looking down you could see a dark purple bruise forming around the ligament. You know at the very least you sprung it. Trying to bite back the pain you attempt running back to the glade. Your run has reduced to a strange hobble and you are losing time until the doors close. Finally, you reach the final stretch to the glade. You see Chuck up ahead and wave with a smile even though you're limping your way forward. At the sight of your limp Chuck starts to jog over into the maze. When you see him inside you feel horror spread across your body.

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!" He just stares at you in horror as the maze doors begin to close you both inside. Ignoring the pain of your ankle you sprint to him. A crowd had begun to form around the opening of the maze, all yelling for you to hurry up. You look to seeing Newt and Minho (your best friends) yelling with all they've got. Suddenly your eyes cross Gally (your boyfriend of 5 months)who is being held back by 5 gladers as he tries to run in. Reaching Chuck you don't stop grabbing the front of his shirt. With all the adrenaline in your body, you manage to drag him to the opening you push him inside and see Gally catch him before Chuck topples over on the other side. You go to follow but the extra force you had applied to your ankle made it worse. You try to cross the doors but it gives out and you fall as the doors seal in front of you.

Once the doors close Gally erupts in anger attacking anyone who had been holding him back from running into the maze. Finally, once he's done he drops to his knees in front of the closed doors. He doesn't care who's watching as he sobs uncontrollably into his hands. Newt and Minho stand behind him both crying tears of their own. Chuck attempts to comfort him

"They might make it," Chuck says between his own sobs. 

"YOU ARE THE REASON THEY'RE TRAPPED IN THERE!" He yells at Chuck in rage. Minho then cuts him off Newt stepping in front of Chuck.

"It's not his fault they were hurt, you saw that ankle!" Minho regrets his words as soon as they leave his lips.

"Which is why they are going to die," Gally says collapsing to the ground.

"We don't know that mate," Newt says trying to give a slight shred of hope.

"Yes, we do! NO one has ever survived a night in the maze, You know that Newt! Especially not hurt like that!" 

"Dude you're not the only one upset-"

"JUST SLIM IT!" Gally screams facing back at the maze. Before walking away and locking himself inside of his room, blaming himself for not reaching you in time. 

The doors open the next morning and you limp out to see Chuck is the only one waiting for you. When he sees you he runs into the maze once again. He hugs you tightly crying into your sweat-soaked shirt. You feel your ankle about to give out again so you grip his shoulders. He assists you out of the Maze. Minho is the first to see you two, as he's getting ready to run.

"Y/N?" As he sees it's you he begins to yell "Y/N! HOLY SHUCK Y/N" His cheers wake the whole glade. The sound of your name making everyone in homestead launch from their hammocks. Minho scoops you up and carries you to the medjacks who stare at you in shock as you smile back at them. Your tucked into a bed inside the medhut as Clint looks at your ankle. The doors to the room burst open suddenly Alby and Newt at your side in a matter of seconds. 

"Oh Y/N! we all thought you were gone," Newt says grabbing your hand, tears in his eyes.

"How'd you do it?" Alby asks. You weren't expecting him to show much emotion so you just chuckled wincing as Clint touched your ankle again. You're about to answer when Gally explodes through the door. At the sight of him, everyone leaves the room and waits outside. Gally's eyes gleam with tears, you had never seen him cry before and it made you sad as well. He slid his hands under your knees and back and sat on the bed laying you in his lap holding you tightly. You both sit in silence for a few minutes.

"I thought I lost you" He whispers softly. You turn to look at him.

"You can't rid of me that easily dollface," You say with a laugh but Gally's face remains serious. You turn touching cheek "I'm not going anywhere I promise" He tightens his arms around your waist, kissing you gently.

Gally One Shots/imaginesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora