CH 19

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I can do it..., Jk thought

Jk bought one of this best men's with him

"Let's do our best and... nevermind" jk said, the other just nod his head lightly confused cause jk never behave like this


"Why?" Jin asked

"I heard that we can get some information about rolisto from him" Yoongi said

"But how?" Jin asked again

"Rolisto's dad worked with he have propably met him so he can maybe help us but we need to be hurry cause he can kill him too, he is very clever" Yoongi said, Jin nod they both went to that place and unfortunately he was already died

"He was shot in the heart as well..." he said Jin then remembered something

(1 year ago, in a cafe)

"Jin hyung?" Jk said, Jin hummed n response "have you ever killed anyone?" Jin looked up confused

"Why are you asking?" Jin ask

"Nothing... just curious" jk said

"No...I never did but I have shot many people, only criminals" Jin said

"I know you would only shot the way killing someone is the hardest thing..." Jk said

"You're saying like you have killed thousands of people's" Jin said chuckling, the silence took over Thier table jk didn't respond instead he just looked at Jin
"What happened? Seems like you really did"

"Oh nothing...I was just thinking that killing- I mean shooting someone on his heart is the easiest way to kill someone I mean that person won't suffer too much and especially when you hate killing..." Jk said, Jin frown "okay, okay enough of this topic tell me something else what did you do yesterday?" Jin smiled and started telling him stories of yesterday Jin could tell jk wasn't into them

Flashback ended


Jin then heard some voices coming from a corner he furrow and aim his gun on that spot

"Who's there?" Jin said, Yoongi looked back confused

"What are you doing Jin?" Yoongi asked

"Can't you hear some voices coming out from there?" Jin said, Yoongi tried to concentrate

"Yeah it does..." Yoongi said

"Who's there? Come out" Jin said as he goes a little closer

"Come have been already caught" Yoongi said and the next thing what they saw... everyone there was shocked as hell!


Came out

But not just him...

A knife pointed at the other's neck

And that other person was none other than...

What do you think? 😏

"Ooh poor boy..." Chanyeol said as he look at the dead body "isn't---" he couldn't speak any further as jk put his palm on his lips, stopping him from speaking

"Someone's coming..." Jk said and removed him hand

"What are we gonna do?" He asked

"Let's hide?" Jk said furrowing as he pull chanyeol behind a wall not giving him a chance to speak

"J--" he said

"Shh! Stop speaking" jk wisper

They heard voices and Footsteps one voice felt so familiar to JK's ears he peeked out a little and hid eyes widened as he quickly stood back in his previous position

"What happened, who's it?" Chanyeol wisper

"Jin..." Jk said

"Jin?" He asked confused then his eyes widened "Jin-!?" He wisper shout, jk nod "oh.mygod what we gonna do now? If we get caught it's the end of our lifes..."

"I don't know..." Jk said

"Keep your voice low!" He wisper shout "look...I think--" he stopped for a minute and then continued with a sigh "I know how much you love seokjin..."

"What are you thinking?" Jk asked wispering

"There's only one of us have to sacrifice himself" chanyeol said

"I don't understand you...?" Jk said

"Look I know you're gonna stop doing everything it's your last can live a happy, Normal life after this day passes by my life will still be same..." Chanyeol wisper

"Don't tell me..." Jk said

"Yes jungkook...that's the only way" he said

"No way I cannot let you do" jk said

"Jungkook try to understand If you was in my position you would do the same so please rejecting---" he wisper

"If you was in my place you would do the same so stop telling me not to stop you" jk wisper shout

"Try to understand...if we won't do anything now we both will get caught and I can't let that happen" chanyeol wisper

"I already told you I am not gonna let you do that for me" jk wisper

"Why are you being so stubborn?" He wisper shout "please Jk let's do that even if I... get caught you can save me, right? But if we both get caught there's no way that we'll be alright and most importantly Jin will be heart broken the best gift you can give to him right now is to save him from the out come pain cause after this day your life will be Normal like others,even if you get caught or v will save you but what about Jin? He will just bear the pain! So please stop declining!" Chanyeol wisper, jk kept quite

"Who's there?" They both heard a voice, jk looked at chanyeol with fear

"It's...j-jin..." Jk said

"I do as I say" chanyeol said

"What?" Jk said confused

"Can't you hear some voices coming out from there?"

"Yeah it does..."

"Who's there? Come out" they again heard voice clearly

"I am sorry jungkook" chanyeol said and turn jk and he put a knife on his throat, jk was so confused

"What are you--" jk said

"Now play along" he said

"Come have been caught already no need to hide anymore"

"Chanyeol---" jk said

Chanyeol pulled jk out with himself, everyone's eyes widened, knife on jk's throat and chanyeol behind him holding it


Chanyeol try to save jk from getting caught, jin feel so guilty and v shocked but Yoongi still wants to know the real truth...what will happen?

End of chapter 19

What do you think chanyeol will do next to save jk? Share your thoughts
I hope you'll like it 💜💜💜

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