CH 10

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"You said she cheated on you but with whom?" Suga asked this question made jungkook stop for a sec, he was getting nervous, Suga raise his brows

"It's...his name was..." Jk said, Suga just waiting for an answer patiently

"Is his name this difficult that you can't remember?" Jimin said

Should I tell them his real name..? What if he create a mess and tell them the Truth and I get into trouble? Should I tell or not...maybe even if i won't they'll found out somehow, jk thought

"His name is ha sungwoon" jk said

"Any further information?" Suga asked

"I don't know anything other than his name or...he is the owner of gay club, not gonna lie but he is Total thug" jk said

"Should I believe everything you said or not?" Suga said

"You are seriously asking me? It depends on you but you know I am not a person who lies often, I bet you already know this, don't tell me you Still think I killed her" jk said furrowing his brows

"But it's hard to believe anyone, when this world is full of lies and people like rolisto" Suga Smirked when he noticed JK's expressions, his face totally showed how nervous he is his reaction made Suga wonder if he is rolisto

"W-what kind of a--" jk shuttered but tried to remain cool "I mean Who's rolisto I am not into Action things so sorry I don't know if he a movie character? His name sounds absurd"

"You really don't know or playing dumb wth me?" Suga asked

"I don't know..." Jk said not looking at Suga

"Where were you two days before at 5pm?" Suga said

That's the time she got murdered..., Jk thought

"I was at home no... I was at a club" jk said

"Which club, who go to a club at 5?" Suga said, jk rolled his eyes

"If you don't want to believe me than just say I was at home" jk said

"Where were you exactly?" Suga said

"I told you I was at a club" jk said

"Which?" Suga asked

"The club, ha sungwoon own" jk said annoydly

"Why you went to his club ignoring Other's?" Suga asked

"Because I wanted to talk to him" jk said, Suga looked at him confused

"What kind of?" Suga asked

"I wanted to say to him to stay away from cha-hyoung" jk said he did went there to say this, he didn't even knew what his dad was doing he got to know everything when she had already died

"Quite honest, aren't you?" Jimin said

"Why should I lie when I didn't even killed her? I wanted him to stay away from her because everyone knows he sells drugs and even police don't say anything so why are you guys here making me sit here in this hot room?" Jk said

"Huh?" Jimin said

"Ofcourse he gave you guys some money and you didn't--" jk said

"Shut the fuck up! Do you even know what you are saying?" Suga said angrily

"Ofcourse i do...I know when he gave the money to your chief and he accepted it while apologizing" jk said, Suga was boiling with anger "Why? It's the truth and you know he is nothing compared to me...even if I say it's me you can't do anything to me suga Hyung" jk forced a smile on his Angelic Face, Suga stood up from his seat slamming his hands on the table, jk smirked he was about to go near jk but jimin held his wrist, jk got up too and went out of the room before saying "I hope the information I gave would help you to find the killer" inside he was thinking 'you can never find him, I'll never let you'

"Just wait once I get something fishy about you that will be your last day in his world, jungkook" Suga said, jk ignored him and left even though he heard him clearly


"I had enough fun today" Jin said as his arm slipped in V's arm while he rest his head on his shoulder walking being Lovely dovely, taehyung was surprised at first but a smile formed on his handsome face, he found the olders action's cute "I think we should go home now"

"No...I want to spend more time with you don't worry about work your friends will take care of it on thier own" v said

"I think they are suspecting jungkook... after what that girl told me Ofcourse investigating it was a good option cause I know In the end it'll turn out that it's not him" Jim said, v stopped walking, Jin looked at him confused as he let go of his arm and take some steps back so he can see his face clearly, it showed nervousness, fear, sadness and many more expressions

"How much do you trust hyung?" V asked a looked at him confused but then jin smiled as he reply

"More than my own self" Jin said, v just stared at him with sadness in his eyes

"You shouldn't trust someone this much cause any one can betray you..." V said

"What do you mean? I am taking about your brother! Don't you trust him?" Jin asked

I do...more than my own self, v thought

"I do...the person you trust the most should be your own self" v said

"Is there a person who you trust more than yourself?" Jin said

Unfortunately it's you and Hyung, v thought but his lips said the opposite

"No... there's no one" v shook his head while saying jin's face exclaimed an "o"

"I think you were right we should get back now" v said as he hug Jin taking him by surprise but soon he joined and hugged him back

I am sorry I can't tell you the untold truth but I'll protect you at all costs even though it's me who's betraying you the most, v though before pulling back from the hug

"Bye" v said smiling, Jin Smiled back while saying bye when v disappeared from his site Jin sigh

Somethings off about him...I am sure he is hiding something from me, Jin thought

End of chapter 10

I hope you'll like this chapter 💜💜

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