CH 12

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Should I?

"I am not doing it" v said coldly

"Why? It's such a good opportunity for you" said

"Good opportunity? Pfft!" V said as he burst into laughter

"Do you think I am joking here?" said

Jk, v, Mr and Mrs Kim sitting on the dining table, having dinner

"You literally seems like" v replied laughing

"Taehyung" jk said, v stopped laughing as he take a bite of the food "Omo! Its so tasty"

"Don't fucking ignore me" said

"What you sayin'?" V said trying to act

"I am leaving this matter to you" said

"I already told you dad I am not gonna kill anyone now" v said

"Anyone now? Kill? Look need to do it so that you'll gain some courage you are such a weakling" Mr Kim said

"Me? Weakling? You are fucking kidding with me old man" v said

"Taehyung! Behave" said

"I think you also don't know anything other than making me behave...why don't you say this to dad? He shouldn't curse at his son too and especially what kind of dad is he? Forcing his son to kill innocent people...?" V said

"Taehyung, stop it" jk said, v rolled his eyes as he continues eating

"What the hell is your problem? Why can't you fucking do it?" said

"So that I can survive in the future Cause I know it's impossible for you" v said

"Then what about you hyung? Do you think he'll survive?" said

"I'll make sure that he'll" Taehyung said, started laughing like a maniac, v stared at him in disgust while jk chuckle
"Can't you laugh more properly...?" Mr.kims expressions became serious and cold then before

"Look, I am telling you last time--" said

"I am also telling you for the last time," v said

"What the hell is your problem? Can't you fucking do just a little?" said

"I can't!" V said

"Why are you so stubborn?" said

"Because this goes like 'like father, like son' but I only take this after you because I am not like you and I am happy at that fact" V said

"Taehyung--" said but he stopped when he stood up from his chairs while slamming his hands on the table

"Where are you going?" Jk asked

"I have already lost my appetite So I hope you'll eat ok, bye" v said as he turn his back to his dad and straight went to his room, mrs.kimn and jk sigh while was still looking at the way he just left

"Don't mind him dad, I'll do it instead" jk said

"That's why I like you... unlike your brother...if he wasn't the chairman of the company i swear I would have teach him a good lesson but how can dad do this to me before dying? It's so annoying and especially tell him that next time Remember that it's not mrkim but his dad" mrkim said coldly, jk just nod he didn't know what else he can say?

In his room,

"Aish! What is dad's problem!? He get everything he want so why he want me to do it for him when he have thousands of other people!" V said as he throw himself on the bed, one leg over other, while they both on floor, he stared at the ceiling he picked his phone and called Jin but he didn't Picked up, he tried again... Finally the elder pick up

"I am sorry Tae I am busy right now I'll call you later, bye" Jin spoke in a hurry and hang up immediately

Tae stared at his phone thinking what just happened?

Today is a bad day, I guess..., V thought

He laid on his bed properly, pulling himself in the covers and the next thing he saw was darkness


"Jin stop! Please!" V said as he run behind the older who was trying to get away from him but the older didn't stop nor did the Younger from chasing him

"Stop coming after me!" Jin shouted

"Please Jin! You won't regret listening to me please! Just give  me another Chance" v said as he Finally was able to stop him by holding his wrist, Jin Finally looked at him with so much hatred in his eyes

"Its enough!" Jin said as tears kept escaping his eyes

"Jin please listen to me once--" v said

"No! How much more are you going to lie to me, you killer!?" Jin shouted

"I am not a killer!" V shouted back

"Then what are you!? You killer innocent people! You are a mafia! You are a traitor!!" Jin yelled

"No Jin... please... believe me I am not" v said as he cried along with the older

"Believe you?" Jin said laughing a Little in disbelief

"Trust me! Please!" V said

"Trusting you was the worst decision I even made! Do you think I would repeat my mistake Again?" Jin said

"You didn't made a wrong decision Jin! Just give me another Chance, just one chance, please..." V said as he beg the older, Jin jerked his hands off from his wrist and started walking away while saying

"Never ever come looking for me and especially if you don't want to rot in jail for your whole life" Jin said, v just stood there on the ground crying his love, his world, his life left him jk's words give flashback in his brain

"But the untol truth can make him Believe in you"

"He believes in you, tell him everything before he get to know everything by someone else"

I regret it Hyung...

V woke up breathing heavily he looked around the lights were on, he sigh

"What kind of dream was it..." V mumbled, he held the jug from the side table and pour some water in the glass and drank it in one go, his face clearly showed that he is nervous and fear was in him to...

Should I tell him...?, V thought

End of chapter 13

Should v tell jin everything or not? Share your thoughts ❤️ I hope you'll like it 💜💜

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