CH 6

504 27 18

Don't you dare

"Umm... guys...your talking I don't understand anything so I should go as you're alright...bye" v said, he held the doors knob, Ready to open the door but...

"Wait!" Jin said, v Looked at him

"W-whats wrong?" V asked hesitantly

He didn't noticed, did he?, V thought

"You...." Jin said Looking at v

"W-what?" V asked

"No...I just feel like...Ahh! Whatever" Jin said, v sigh

"I'll go now, bye" V said and went out of the room and sigh in relief

He went home

His dad and mom was sitting in the living room, he was about to pass through but...

"Ooh you're here" mom said, V looked at her then Smiled

"Come here" dad Said, He rolled my eyes before going near dad and mom and sat on the sofa next to dad

"What?" V asked

"Did you completed your task?" asked

"Yes" V replied without looking at his dad

"You should look at me when you're talking to me" his dad said-- no it was like a order, v looked at his dad annoyedly "you killed anyone?" V shook his head
"I heard you almost killed the detective but why you stopped when you heard his voice and even went to the hospital to meet him?" He asked, v furrow his brows

"So they informed you even...every single information, huh? Stil...Why you care? You just wanted to get rid of that girl and I completed the task as you Said" v said

"What if I say...kill that detective too?" His dad asked

"Don'!" V said with his deep, demanding voice, his dad started laughing "please don't do look like an idiot when you laugh like this...for no reason"

"V...this is not any good way to talk to you dad" Said

"Whatever" V said

"Let doesn't matter now...i am warning you Tae.hyung! Don't you dare fall in love with a slut like him" said, v clenched his fist

"Don't ever dare to use that word for him" v said angrily

"Woah...I am telling you stay away from that detective he can be a bad character in our story" his dad said "and if he creates any problem because of you getting closer to him...I might get no other choice than to get rid of him" smirked, v got up from his seat angrily, clenching his fist

"" v said pronouncing every word clearly

"Oh... threatening your own dad---" Said

"I-" v said, anger was rushing through his veins he almost shouted but tried not to "I might... father" v said before turning back to leave

"Taehyung! Taehyung Listen!" His mom tried to stop her son but too late, v went to his room and slammed the door hardly making her mom flinch from the sound, she sigh while looking at his husband

"He is loosing his control just because of a detective? He dare to threat his own father because of a detective?" His dad said clenching his fist "but... I won't let him win" he smirk, got up unable to bear his own family


"Fuck!" V shouted "why is dad so-- never mind...let's.forget about him for  now..."

He picked his phone from the table and dialed seokjin's number

"Please pick up..." v said and that's it...Jin picked up

"Ooh Tae, hi" Jin said

"Umm...hi...I wanted to ask I mean--" v said

"I am sorry Tae... we can't meet but can talk on the phone" Jin said

"Its Okay..." V said

"Seems like you are getting interested in me" Jin said

"But it seems like you are annoyed because of me cuz it's always me who call" v said

"It isn't like it...I am just too much busy" Jin said

"So it means you are interested in me?" V asked

"Maybe...?" Jin said

"Than...I will call you as wwh from today it's your special nickname from me okay?" V said

"Wwh? What does it mean?" Jin said

"World.wide.handsome" v said

"Ooh...Then I'll give you one too..." Jin said thinking "Yes! I found, V"

"V?" He asked confusingly

"Yes! V stands for victory, you like it?" Jin said

"Yes..." V said

But you know...I never had any victory, V thought

"But I should actually call you... Seokjinnie because www will look a little weird right?" V said

"I am fine with whatever, I am not so picky" Jin thought

"Are you free tomorrow?" V asked

"I am not sure..." Jin said

"Its Sunday tomorrow..." V said pouting

"I am not sure if a killer think about it... before doing anything...?" Jin said chuckling

"What's so funny?" V asked pouting

"Are you pouting? Lol...well, you work at a company but you are always going around like you have nothing to do..." Jin said

"'s a secret but let me tell you, it's my dad's company" v said

Fuck...Its my company, v thought

" I understood..." Jin said

"So I don't know or I care let's meet tomorrow" v said

"You are so stubborn...okay you tomorrow" Jin said

"I'll text you the location" v said

"O, bye" Jin said

"Bye" v said cheerfully

Call ended

"Jin...well, I'll think about Sunday from today on" v Said chuckling

End of chapter 6

I hope you'll like it 💜💜💜💜

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