I don’t respond as I wait for him to elaborate.

“I feel like we’re connected through something but I don’t understand what.”

With that being said he surges forward and captures my lips with his. A spark of electricity ignites through me a lot stronger than ever before. Loki slowly moves his lips but I can tell that he doesn’t know what he’s actually doing. Before I can really work out what’s happening my lips begin to move in sync with Loki’s except in a more dominating way. My whole body feels like it’s on fire and I feel intoxicated.

Eventually we both pull away from each other both slightly breathless but Loki a lot more so. Loki immediately looks down and his cheeks flush a rather bright shade of red.

Loki whispers “I’m sorry I don’t know what came over me.”

I smile back quietly “I was kissing you back you Muppet.”

Loki begs “Please I don’t want you to get injured on account of me.”

I sigh “Loki I don’t have a choice.”

Loki asks “Can I fight by your side then?”

I shake my head and rest my head on his chest. Loki sighs and hugs me closer to him laying his head on top of mine.

I feel safe in his arms. I feel at ease for the first time in my life. I feel totally calm if not a little aroused. I don’t know why I feel like this he’s not the type of person I’d usually go for yet I want to go there. Should I just give it a go? Should I claim Loki as mine? Would he want me to? It’s too soon but I know that if we do anything further then I will never give him up to anyone. My Snow Leopard won’t allow it. She’s seeing him as hers and is fighting me to claim him. I want to know Loki’s feelings towards me but I think he’s tried to make them clear.

Loki suddenly pushes me away quite roughly and distances himself from me clearly distressed.

I urge “Loki you have to understand. If I could not fight I would but I have to. If I don’t fight now I will automatically lose and I will be exiled and you will be in Greta’s custody. I am fighting to save you.”

Loki doesn’t respond but holds his head and falls to the floor. I sense his distress levels rising rapidly. I walk over to him and kneel next to him resting a hand on his shoulder gently. He relaxes at my touch. He’s not facing me and I can’t see his face.

“I will run away with you if you get exiled...Just don’t fight.”

“Loki I’ve got no choice and you can’t run away. The whole Clan would be ordered to kill you if you did that. They might not like it but they would have to.”

“Brooklyn I don’t want you to fight on my account I don’t want to be left alone if anything happens to you. I couldn’t cope if anything actually happened to...”

I cut him off as I grab his face, pulling him towards me and forcing my lips onto his effectively silencing him. I take the lead with Loki trying to get to grips with how forward I am. His kiss is gentle but passionate in return to my rough and demanding one. I pull away and look him straight in the eye showing my determination. I give up he’s mine and I am never going to let him go.

I announce “Loki I am a stubborn bitch who fights to protect what I see as mine. You are mine whether you like it or not now. I may not have claimed you officially yet but I will do in due time and when I do you will never be left alone ever again and that is a promise.”

With that I stand to my full height and offer my hand to Loki. He takes it and I pull him onto his feet.

Loki asks “There is not a chance that I can get you to change your mind is there Brooklyn?”

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