A really useful bunch.


"I feel like I'm surrounded by lunatics" Takumi sighed abruptly and unexpectedly.

Orochimaru raised an eyebrow, Kyoko looked up in confusion.

"What do you mean?" asked Sora curiously. Takumi deadpaned and pointed at the blood splatter on the boy's pants because he had once again enthusiastically taken a person apart.

"I mean, don't you guys notice how abnormal you are?" all three of them looked at him questioningly and Takumi groaned in experation.

First he pointed at Sora, "You, you're nine and your hobby is taking apart corpses, like what the hell?" he shouted and Sora tilted his head as if he didn't understand what was strange about it. Takumi went over to Kyoko, "you're the daughter of an ex-assassin and you've been learning how to stick a knife into someone's back since you were little. I'm not going to comment on how unrealistic that sounds right now." The girl giggled innocently, absolutely not offended by his words.

And then he gestured to the Sannin, who had originally reworked the seal one of his clones had made. He looked up with interest, curious what the boy had to say about him. "And you... you..." his finger lowered slightly as Takumi thought about how to put the bullshit Orochimaru had put him through over the past few weeks into a few words. "You're a fucking creep who isn't even of age and has already broken laws that I didn't even know existed!" he then finally said. "And it's even sicker that I'm going along with all of this too" he said, his finger now pointed at himself.

Then he laughed "I thought all my life I was an outsider because I was weird. But when I'm with you, I'm an outsider because I feel like I'm the only fucking normal person among us!" he exclaimed, holding a hand to his own forehead as if to see if he was sick. Sora tilted his head and frowned "Takumi is not an outsider!" he shouted, looking shocked at the older boys words. The very same chuckled faintly, as if he had just heard a good joke. "If this keeps up then soon it won't" he said absolutely amused by his own statement.

Orochimaru couldn't help but silently agree with him. Soon Takumi would take the carefully prepared bait and when that happened the boy would be yet another piece for him to use on his board.


That same evening, Orochimaru decided to go home again. Originally to collect some books from his shelf that he didn't have in his lair and just to check the situation at home without using a clone. While he had plenty of chakra, he was no Naruto who could spam those things for hours without exhaustion.

What he didn't expect was to get a call from Midoriya, who asked with a lot of stuttering and talking around if he could spend the night at his place. Supposedly his mother was away for a few days because of her work and she didn't want to leave her son home alone and since Kenta was his only friend, he was his only option.

Too bad that at that moment Orochimaru was in the kitchen getting something to drink and his mother with her far too sharp senses overheard the conversation and kindly asked him to invite the cinnamon roll named Midoriya. Ok no, that was a lie, she had threatened him and held the cooking spoon dangerously in front of his face. He wasn't the type of person to be particularly impressed by such a ridiculous threat, but his mother would bug him until he couldn't hear the end of it if he declined now. Under other circumstances he would have refused without hesitation, but now he probably had no choice.

"It's good for you to have a friend over once in a while" his mother just told him with a smile before he walked back to his room. Now he probably had a hero fan hanging around his neck, and he could spend all day tomorrow teaching him that he wasn't planning on becoming a hero himself. Again.

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