Chapter Two

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Abreanna POV

"Hey brotherrrrr" I announced sliding into the passenger seat.

"Don't 'hey brother' me" Rell said, giving me a side eye.

"Why what I do?"

"I can't keep stopping what I'm doing to come pick you up from school because you want to be fighting Bre. I got shit to do and places to be man." He pinched the bridge of his nose while shaking his head.

Oh god here we go.

"Okay" My tone is flat.

"I'm serious Bre" he looked over at me. "Okay Moo I hear you" I acknowledged, calling him by his nickname I gave him when we were little kids. I wish we could go back to being little kids, when we had no worries in the world, living care-free. . . . Oh well.

"Nah you ain't hearing me 'cuz it seem like every other week I'm coming to pick yo ass up from somewhere for fighting somebody" he put the car in drive and began to pull off while I buckled my seatbelt. "What happened this time?"

"Some girl called me a bitch" I picked at my fingernail.


"Um we fought...." I looked over at him shifting uncomfortably in my seat.

"So you got in a fight because somebody called you a bitch? That's it?" His eyebrows furrowed together but kept his eyes focused on the road.

"Well, yeah" Why is he acting surprised? I know for a fact he would do the same- no worse if someone disrespected him. "But you should've seen the way they were looking at me, like they were really grilling the fuck outta me"


"Yeah it was another jawn with her" I told him.

"You got jumped?!" his eyes widened.

I scoffed and replied, "Tuh no the other bitch was gone once me and her friend started mixing."

"Oh I was finna say, why yall got beef?" He reached his arm over to turn the AC up.

"That's the funny part, there is no beef, I never seen the girl a day in my life" I scrunched my face up and rolled my eyes just thinking about the whole situation. "But I do remember her saying some 'bout her being with someone last weekend."

"Whatchu mean?" He asked, switching lanes.

"She was talm 'bout some 'I don't know why she still with him I was with him last weekend' " I mocked.

He sucked his teeth, "Mmcht Bre don't tell me no nut shit like that, I already don't fuckin' like you bein' with his ass so it ain't nothin' to off him." Rell said, referring to my boyfriend Mekhi. "I don't know why ya ass is still with him either" he continued. Rell isn't a fan of me and Mekhi's relationship and hasn't been one since we started dating two years ago.

"Because I love him Moo that's why and you know how these bitches be, I know for a fact that's not true 'cuz I know where and what he was doing last weekend" I retorted. He scrunched his face up and cringed at my response and started laughing "Girl shut 'cho ass up you'n even know what love is" I rolled my eyes at him and shoved his shoulder. "Ight na if I crash this car and we die imma beat yo ass like 'ole girl did" he said pointing his finger at me.

"Beat up? Nigga never in my seventeen years of living have I ever gotten my ass beat, the fuck." I mugged him.

"Well I can't tell 'cuz of that long ass scratch on the side of your face."

Scratch? I pulled down the mirror from the ceiling of the car to examined my face and surely there was a long red scratch on my right cheek. That stupid bitch. "I didn't get beat up. She's the one that left with a bloody nose, hopefully it's broken." I said flipping the mirror back up.

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