Chapter Twenty Six

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The first thing I notice as Tony and I land is that the bases thick metal doors stood open but there wasn't any sign of the boys. Friday had told us less than five minutes ago that they'd landed here so where were they?

"You don't think..." Tony starts, pointing at the open doors.

"They're already inside." Sam says over coms, "I told them to wait but...well you know."

"How long ago?" I ask, spinning around trying to find the cloaked jet.

"Almost as soon as we landed. I haven't been able to reach them on coms since they went in."

The ramp of the jet lowers and Sam walks out, Tony and I meeting him half way. I give him a quick hug before chuckling. He was not dressed for the frigid cold and was visibly shaking.

"I knew we wouldn't be able to use coms, that's partly why I wanted them to wait for us to go in."

"So what's the play?"

"Sam I need you to stay here. If Zemo reactivated them we can't afford to let any of them escape. You see someone you don't know you blow the door to hell."

"How will you guys get out?"

"We may not. You've all fought Bucky when he was the Winter Soldier, these five are ten times worse. If they get past us you have to promise me you'll do it. I'll get us out another way if I have to."

"She's right. This isn't about us. We have to stop them from escaping at all costs." Tony says, wrapping an arm around my waist pulling me to him, "We've got some unfinished business we will find a way out somehow."

"Gross." Sam mutters but chuckles, "Fine I'll blow the doors if I have to but I better not have to."

"Get inside the jet before we have a birdsicle." I tease and hug him again.

"How are you not cold?" He asks me and then laughs, "Nevermind."

"See you soon Scarecrow." Tony teases, briefly hugging Sam as well.

"Whatever Tinman."

"If either of you call me Dorothy I'll kick both of your asses." I call over my shoulder, having turned to walk towards the doors.

Tony catches up with me as I stop in front of the doors. He takes my hand and brings it to his lips.

"You going to be okay?"

"I don't have a choice. Let's go find our boys and finish this."

The interior looked just as I remembered it, though both times I'd been this close to the exit I hadn't been away but it all looked the same, not too dissimilar to the belly of a ship, all metal and faint lighting here and there. The hum of the lights and dripping water somewhere were the only sounds besides our footsteps, it was eerily quiet.

We reach a dead end, a large metal door blocking out way. The keypad was broken, not that I'd have known the code anyhow. Tony takes hold of the edges of the doors where they meet in the center and starts prying them open.

"Impressive." I purr as he looks back at me, his helmet sliding away to reveal his smirking face.

"Seriously?" Steve chuckles from the other side of the now open door, "We're hunting bad guys and your heads are still in the bedroom."

Looking past Tony I spot Steve and Bucky on a set of steps and my heart swells. I rush forward as they climb back down and throw an arm around both of them, pulling them close.

"You two blockheads couldn't wait five minutes for us?" I ask, smacking their arms playfully, "What happened to not going in without us?"

"Sorry sis. The doors were standing open when we got here. We just wanted to make sure they were all still here. I'm sorry about back at the other place too, I didn't hurt anyone too badly did I?"

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