Chapter Three

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I was finishing up my morning workout after a restless night when I feel someone come up behind me.

"I'd be careful who you sneak up on." I say, continuing to punch the bag in front of me.

"I wasn't trying to sneak up on you." Steve says behind me, "I was just admiring your...technic."

I turn to look at him and catch him checking out my ass. I wink at him before turning around to face him starting to unwrap my wrists. If I had a dollar for every guy who'd ever checked me out while I was working out I'd rival Tony's wealth.

"If I didn't know better Rogers I'd swear you were making a pass at me."

"I... no... it's just..." He stammers turning red.

"It's fine Rogers, really. I'm sure I'd have been admiring your...technic had the roles been reversed. If you ever want to spare let me know."

"I'm not sure it'd be a fair fight."

"Scared you'll hurt me? I'm tougher than I look."

"You look pretty tough to me."

"Thanks. Offer stands. See ya around Rogers."

I wink at him again and head up to my room. I needed to get a shower before I went to check in with Tony about my suit. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't excited to see what he'd come up with. It'd be nice to have clothes that didn't disintegrate once my flames touched them. I hadn't seen real combat since they'd started and I wasn't sure how easy it'd be to control them at first.

As I reach the living quarters floor I round the corner to go to the girls wing and I run into Wanda as she comes running out of her room.

"Oh! Sorry." I say, catching her arms to steady her, "Hey, are you okay?"

Her face was red as if she'd been crying. She looks up at me and tears fill her eyes again before she surprises me by wrapping her arms around my neck and starts sobbing into my neck. I wrap my arms around her, holding her close and rub her back softly. It takes a few minutes before her tears start slowing and she looks at me.

"Sorry." She says, releasing me and wiping her face.

"Nothing to be sorry about. Do you want to talk about it?"

She nodes and walks back into her room. I follow, shutting the door behind me and turn to see her room in shambles; the floor was covered in broken glass and wood.

"Tony brought you here so you could fix me didn't he?" She asks, sitting on her bed pulling her legs underneath her.

"Not that I know of. Why do you think he wants to fix you?"

"I can't control it anymore, not like I used to anyway." She gestures around, "I had a nightmare and when I woke up...everything exploded. You wouldn't understand. I'm a monster."

She finished barely louder than a whisper and I join her on the bed, taking her hands in mine. I did understand, probably better than anyone else aside from Bruce who was MIA. She pulls her hands free and looks away from me.

"I don't want to hurt you."

"Wanda, you're not a monster. You're a young woman who's in pain."

She holds her hands out in front of her and a strange red energy puddles in her palms and dances along her skin. As she meets my eyes again I see they're glowing red.

"I look like a monster. The things I've done with this... a good person wouldn't have done what I did."

"Having powers doesn't make you a monster. Nor trusting the wrong people."

"How would you know?" Wanda asks bitterly.

"Because you're not the only one who's been... housed by Hydra and come away different."

I hold my hands out like hers and the blue flames lick across my skin and climb to my elbows. Her eyes widen as she stares at my arms in amazement.

"The people here care about you. I read the reports from Sokovia. You lost your brother and had to destroy something you helped create. It is perfectly normal for it to affect you. My powers are connected to my emotions too. It will get better."

"I hope so. Hydra did that to you?"

"They did. They had me for almost a year. The scepter was the easiest part of what they put me through but it didn't work on me like it did on you and your brother. I didn't get my powers until the super soldier serum killed me."

"Killed you?"

"It's confusing I know. I died and was reborn from the ashes."

"You really died? Did it hurt?"

"Yes I did. It felt like I was being burned alive and I guess in a way I was."

"Do you think Pietro was in pain?" She asks quietly.

"No I don't think he was. Doesn't make your pain any less, survivor's guilt is a real thing and it can crush you if you don't deal with it. I'd like to help you if you'll let me."

"I think I'd like that. I'm sorry I messed up your morning. I'm okay now."

"You didn't mess it up. How about I help you get this cleaned up."

"I can do it. Go take your shower. Thanks for talking with me Dr. James."

"Kenna please. Anytime you need or want to talk my door is always open, day or night."

"Thank you."

She hugs be briefly and I exit her room. I walk the short distance to my own door and start to open my door as Nat's door opens across the hall.

"She okay?"

"She will be."

"There's more to you than just a shrink and former Marine. If that was all I doubt Stark would have you going on missions with us."

"Let me get a shower and then we can talk if you want."

"Sounds good."

Showered and dressed for the day I come out of the bathroom to find not only Nat but also Wanda on my couch.

"I brought coffee and some muffins." Wanda says, "Nat was already here."

"It's fine Wanda." I laugh, running my fingers through my wet hair, "Thank you for the coffee and muffins though. I'm starving. You're welcome to stay. I was going to tell Natasha my story.

"Sweet. Girls morning." Nat says making me laugh again.

I quickly recount the same thing I'd told Wanda not long ago, Nat nodding along as I talked.

"So you're like a cross between Steve and Wanda. Tony knows I assume."

"He does."

"Where did they keep you?"

"A facility in Siberia. That's where they ran their Winter Soldier program from."

"You met him?"

"I did. They had him...train me. He beat me to a pulp several times but then there were times when they'd put him in my cell afterwards and we'd talk and he didn't seem to remember that he'd been the one to hurt me. If I didn't have the special healing I'd have been dead long before they gave me the serum."

"We're a bunch of damaged women huh?" Nat says, laughing without humor.

"Everyone has scars. Anyone who thinks otherwise is lying to themselves." I shrug.

"I think you're going to fit right in here, both of you."

"I hope so." Wanda says.

"Excuse me ladies," Vision says floating through my door making us all jump, "Mr. Stark has called an emergency meeting and needs everyone in the conference room."

"We're coming Vision." I giggle, "Do you always just float through solid surfaces?"

"My apologies ma'am."

"Kenna, please. Ma'am makes me sound old. Let'sget down to the meeting before Tony has a fit."

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