Chapter Eight

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I roll over and stretch, groaning as my muscles complain. It takes a heartbeat for my mind to remember the events of last night, particularly the after party and I groan again. I sit up and look at the other side of my bed but it is empty. I glance at the bathroom but lights off and everything is quiet. He'd apparently already left.

I get up and dress quickly, I was too sore to work out this morning; I'd done enough calories burning last night to make up for it. I needed to go find Steve so we could talk before everyone woke up. I check the gym first and I hear him before I can see inside. I lean against the door frame and remember yesterday morning.

"Good morning Steve." I say quietly.

He pauses for a second before resuming his attack, increasing the force behind his punches. I furrow my brow and watch him for a few more heartbeats. He was upset.

"We need to talk about last night."

"No. We. Don't." He says, hitting the bag between his words.

"We slept together. That kinda seems like something we should talk about now that we're both sober."

"What happened last night was a mistake."


I push off the doorframe, the flirty mood I'd been in evaporating. If looks could kill the one he shoots me as he turns around would've put me in the ground in an instant. He glares at me for a few heartbeats, my words failing me before I get my hurt under control.

"If that's how you feel I'll leave you be. I thought... well it doesn't matter what I thought."

I turn and walk away, concentrating on not running thought that's what my body wanted to do. I'd never done the whole one night stand thing and if this is how it felt I'd never do it again. I didn't have sex just to have sex and I hadn't thought Steve did but looks like I was wrong.

I walk into the kitchen and start a pot of coffee before raiding the refrigerator; I'd take some aggression out on some eggs since I couldn't hit Steve. I replay last night in my mind and feel myself flush. Mistake or not the sex had been great and that just made it all worse.

"Morning Kenna." Nat says sleepily as she makes herself some coffee.

"Morning Nat. Would you like an omelet while I'm at it?"

"Sure. Did I hear Steve in your room last night?"

"Unfortunately." I grumble, scrambling the eggs harder than necessary.

She hears the hostility in my voice and leans against the counter beside me.

"What happened?"

"We slept together."

"That's good right?"

"Apparently not. He said it was a mistake and made me feel like I'd somehow stolen his virtue or something even though he came to me not the other way around."

"It's not you. He's stuck in the past when it comes to romance. I've been trying to set him up on a date for a while now but he refuses. Maybe he'll come around; you two would be good together."

"Not going to hold my breath. You didn't see the way he looked at me."

"If not his loss."

"Who's loss?" Tony asks as he and Rhodes enter the kitchen.

"Nothing." I say quickly. "Would you two like an omelet?"

Slowly everyone but Steve files into the kitchen and I make breakfast for everyone, talking and joking like old friends.

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