Chapter Twenty Five

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The Winter Soldier had made a mess making his escape and though there were several injuries I'd had to deal with none of them were too serious thankfully. So while Everett coordinated the 'search' for Bucky and Tony helped assist getting the city's power back up and running I played field medic. Most injuries were minor cuts and bruises and there had been several broken bones but all in all we'd got off easy. I knew first-hand the damage he could inflict if he really wanted to.

It only took Tony an hour to get the grid back up and running and though I was glad the city had it's power back it made things more difficult. Not only did it make the boys staying out of sight harder it also meant it'd be easier for Zemo to escape if he hadn't while the city was dark.

Steve and Sam's disappearance hadn't gone unnoticed. As the news started reporting what had happened they quickly assumed correctly that Steve and Sam had helped Bucky escape. What hadn't been reported, and what worried me more is T'Challa had also managed to make an escape during the chaos. He was again ignoring my calls too.

The boys had found a safe place to hide out just before power had come back but I hadn't heard anything else from them since then and it'd now been three hours since then. I could've hit my coms and checked on them but I knew they'd get in contact when they had something, or needed help. Bucky had been unconscious when I left him with the boys on the riverbank and he should've woken up by now unless he was really hurt, and if he was it wasn't like they could take him to the emergency room.

I was exiting the kitchen as Sharon falls into step beside me. I look at her out of the corner of my eye but she looks straight ahead. After a few steps she clears her throat and I look at her.

"So, what's your deal with Barnes?"

"What do you mean?"

"I saw you. You said something to him and he didn't attack you right away. What was that?"

"I don't know what you're talking about. You're welcome by the way."

"For what?" She asks angrily.

"I'm pretty sure you had a broken rib that punctured lung earlier, that's why it was hard for you to breath."

"Oh! Why did you heal me or whatever? It's not like we're friends or anything."

"Friends or not you were hurt and I was able to help. You've got some moves by the way. I was impressed."

I see her smile and I can't help but smile in return, though neither of us looks at the other. We walk in silence for a few heartbeats before she narrows her eyes at me.

"Nice change of subject. I still want to know what your relationship is to Barnes. I know why Steve's doing what he's doing but that doesn't explain yours. You... you had him arrested so I think it's safe to assume you're not friends but..."

I come to a sudden stop, making Sharon turn to face me and run my fingers roughly through my hair before I sigh heavily.

"It's complicated Agent Carter and I know you're not going to like that as an explanation but I'm not able to say any more than that right now. There are... things in motion right now that are on a need to know and you don't need to. I know it's a lot to ask, given our history, but I'm going to need you to just trust me for now."

"I don't know you well enough to blindly trust you."

"Then can you trust Steve? He's well aware of what's going on since it was his idea to start with. I just want to get my boys home safe. I think we can at least agree on that much."

She studies me for a long moment before she nodes once.

"After whatever is over... will you tell me then?"

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