Chapter Thirty

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Tony and I stayed in our room for the rest of the morning and most of the afternoon but we weren't just making up, though there was definitely a lot of that. I hated that Vienna had ended on such a sour note but we were so much closer now.

Now that we were all home and safe there were a few things I wanted to change... things we needed to change around here. They'd come to me while jogging in Vienna but since we weren't really speaking at that point it'd slipped my mind until earlier in the kitchen.

We'd come downstairs almost an hour ago were lounging on one of the couches in the common area, my legs over Tony's lap, talking and laughing while we were going over the last couple items before we called the team in. He was drawing swirls along my leg while we talked as he went over Happy's reports on what Peter has been up to, apparently the kid was starting to drive him crazy but I knew he was just excited.

I didn't know that much about Tony's recruit but I could see the pride oozing out of Tony as he watched him. He'd really taken a liking to the kid and that was a huge deal for Tony. I could still remember just a few months ago when Tony would've been too focused on inventing and tinkering to have even taken an interest in someone else, especially a fifteen year old kid. I was so proud of him and the man he has become.

"You know, it's clear he somewhat knows what he's doing but I'm sure a bit of training would do him good even if he's not a full time member yet. Is his suit like mine, connected up to Friday and all that?"

"Yes and no, since I didn't figure he needed to be hooked up to Friday yet I made him a new A.I. It's part of Friday but doesn't have access to everything; his suit has training wheels."

"You know, a year ago I don't think you'd have realized that giving a kid complete access to something like Friday wouldn't be a wise idea. You may still be a big kid at heart, but you've grown up a lot. I'm proud of you Tony and I think your dad would be too."

He looks up from his tablet and meets my gaze. I knew his relationship with his dad has always been one of his biggest regrets but I'd meant it. Howard would be proud of the man Tony's become. He was still arrogant and childish at times but he worked so hard now and he was continuing the legacy his father had started.

"I'd like to think so but he... he wasn't at all happy with the young man I'd been the last time he saw me, and he had every reason to not be, I was all over the place and immature. There are so many things I wish I could go back and change from that last day."

"I know you do but I'd like to think those we lose along the way stay with us in a sense and watch us as we continue down the road. We are both the people we are now because of our fathers."

"And each other. You helped me become the man sitting beside you. So did Pepper...and my mom... Man my mom would've loved you, and so would've my dad for that matter. You're much more... respectable than the girls I was seeing back then. You're smart too, dad especially would've liked that. Mom would've just been happy I was happy." He leans in and kisses me lightly, "And I am so very happy."

"Me too. Nowhere else I'd rather be." I cup his cheek.

"After we meet with the team may I take you out to dinner? Just the two of us?"

"I'd like that. What's the occasion?"

"Do I need an occasion to take my beautiful girlfriend out?"

"I suppose not." I chuckle, "I guess we should finish up here then huh?"

"We should indeed. I'll try my best not to distract you...too much." He grins.

As I finish crunching the numbers I sigh and set my tablet on the coffee table, slipping my legs off Tony's lap. I check my watch and realize we've been sitting here for almost two hours now and the press conference should be starting in a few minutes.

"Where you going?" He asks, setting his tablet down and pulling me into his lap making me laugh.

Before I can answer the rest of the team files in, plopping down on the other couches.

"Seriously you're still going? We were about ready to knock and make sure you two hadn't died from lack of air or something." Sam teases, wiggling his eyebrows at me.

"Watch it Tweedy, I'd hate to have to singe your feathers." I tease back, lighting my fingers on fire and wiggling them at him.

He laughs and holds his hands up in surrender. I put them out and Tony wraps his arms around me tighter, winking at me when I look back at him smiling. I focus back on the others, meeting each of their gazes before I start.

"I'm actually glad you guys come in. Tony and I have been talking about how things are done around here and we agreed there are a couple things that need changing."

"Is this going to be good or bad news?" Rhodes asks.

"Definitely good. It's just now that we are an official group and we have more backing besides Tony ponying up we have decided to set up a payroll system like any other company."

"We're going to get paid?" Wanda asks, "All of us?"

"Yes. I've been going over the pay grades S.H.I.E.L.D. and the military have in place and I think I've worked out a reasonable salary system. I should be able to have a packet for everyone by weeks end. I will call everyone in one at a time and get everything set up but I wanted to let you guys know what was happening."

"Also, once that's done Kenna has suggested some time off for everyone and I agree. We've all been going nonstop for a while and it's time we take a breather. S.H.I.E.L.D and the J.C.T.C. can handle most situations without us."

"What if something happens that they can't handle?" Sam asks.

"I have Friday making everyone a form smart watch that connects to Friday and our systems here; think of it like a more compact form of the tablets we use. If anything happens she will send out an alert."

"What about Clint and Thor?" Nat ask, "I can go see Clint and see what he wants to do."

"That would be great Nat, I'll make sure you have a packet to take to him. As for Thor, we will figure that out when he comes back."

"Have you reached out to TikTak?" Sam asks, "He would be a good addition to our team I think."

"We've offered Dr. Pym and his daughter a research and development job and Scott has been invited to join the team part time as well. He has a daughter and wants to be able to spend more time with her now that he's able."

"What does Dr. Pym do?" Steve asks.

"He's an entomologist specializing in ants as well as a physicist, but what he's most famous for now is his work with Pym Particles. He used to work with S.H.I.E.L.D. back in the day. He didn't have a very... amicable parting with them or my father back in 1989."

"What happened?"

"S.H.I.E.L.D. tried to steal his work, create it on their own and cut him out of the process. He had every right to leave. He was very surprised to hear from me but he's considering coming out of retirement to work alongside us."

I check my watch again I see it's time for the press conference to begin.

"We can continue this later. Friday can you turn on Director Ross's press conference and project it here please." I say, curling into Tony and tucking my feet under myself.

Bucky gets up and comes to sit beside me, slipping his hand into mine as the image comes to life. I look back at Tony and he nods, letting me slip away enough to lean my head on Bucky's shoulder. Tony lays his arm along the back of the couch and plays with my hair as Everett makes his way to the podium.

I feel Steve's gaze on me and I look over at him. I'd caught him looking at me several times as we'd flown home but he'd always looked away a moment later, this time he doesn't. I can't put a name to the expression on his face as we look at each other but it is intense and it was my turn to look away first.

I knew he thought he loved me and though I couldn't say one way or another if he did or not, I did know that I didn't have those kinds of feelings for him. There'd been something there when I'd first come here but now that I was with Tony all I felt for Steve was a brotherly love like I felt for Buck. I adore Tony, and though we've had a couple bumps lately I couldn't picture my life without him by my side. Tony had become my person and I was his, I was looking forward to seeing where this life took us.

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