Chapter 2- Bye and Hi

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"MOOOOOOOM- Did you know I was invited to the Inazuma Japan selection ?"

You hadn't told your mom anything about the letter, deciding to tell her while eating dinner. But you instantly regretted that decision the moment she froze up and put the fork that she was holding back on the plate.

"Oh really ? When is it ?" she narrowed her eyes at you, which instantly made you uncomfortable.

"Oh- it's next week. I was wondering if I could go. You know it's been my dream to play for a national team some day." you looked down and fiddled with your fingers under the table. 

Your mom then stood up and walked to your side of the table, staring you down. You gulped, already thinking your mom would say no. To your surprise she suddenly gave you a big bear hug, making you slightly flinch.

"Of course I'll let you go ! What kind of mother would I be if I didn't ?" there were legit flowers surrounding her aura, no kidding. 

Your eyes sparkled and you hugged her back, thanking her over and over. You couldn't believe it.

"Now, we gotta get you ready for next week !"

~Timeskip till next week~

It's safe to say that you were definitely ready. Right now you were at the airport, hugging your mom to bits, knowing you wouldn't be able to see her for a while.

"Make sure to call me alright? Also say hello to your aunt for me and give her this." she took out a box wrapped in red material and gave it to you, kissing you on the forehead. You nodded and hugged her one last time before heading to your designated plane.


~Another timeskip~

 It was quite late when you and your aunt got to her house. You were so exhausted that the moment you got in you collapsed onto the couch, falling asleep instantly. Your aunt just smiled and pecked your forehead, leaving you to your dreams.

Once you woke up in the morning you headed to your suitcase and opened it. You were in the mood to wear something comfortable but to your dismay the only comfortable thing there was, was your old tracksuit from Seoul Stars. With a sigh you put on the tracksuit, heading to the kitchen for breakfast.

~Smoll time skip sorry~

Right now you were sitting behind the reception desk at the hospital. Your aunt was the receptionist at the hospital and to your misfortune she had decided to bring you along. Right now you were practically dying on a chair while listening to anime openings. You had been in that position for a while now until something interesting caught your eyes. You took your headphones off and let them rest on your neck, now paying attention to the 3 boys standing in front of the reception desk. One of them had tan skin and long gray unkempt hair. His eyes an unusual combo of colors. The second one had black hair that spiked up in different directions and the last one had grey hair that was styled upwards with the exception of a long strand hanging over his face. You tilted your head when you saw their eleven bands, making you look at yours.

For some reason you had joined as a temporary member of the football club at your school right after you quit Seoul Stars. You didn't know why you joined, you just did. Deciding to follow them you stood up and told your aunt that you were going to look around.

You saw them enter a hospital room and you rushed over to the open door, peeking inside. Your eyes widened a bit when you saw a pink haired boy with dreary and lightless gray eyes. He also had an eleven band which made you even more curious. Due to you not paying attention you failed to notice the nurse walking towards you. She bumped into you as she passed and sent you stumbling into the doorway, catching the attention of the boys in the hospital room.

"G-gomen'nasai -" you bowed your head and turned around, preparing to go back to your aunt when a hand grabbed your wrist.

You turned your head to look at the black haired boy that had grabbed your wrist.

"Do you play football like us ? I mean you have an eleven band on your wrist."

You slowly nodded and tilted your head.

"Well would you like to come in and share some watermelon with us ? I'm sure the others won't mind."

You looked at all the other inhabitants of the room and they didn't seem to show any signs of protest.

"I guess I can-"

"Great, I'm Inamori Asuto ! What's your name ?" he smiled widely as he let go of your wrist.

"(Y/N) (L/N). What about you guys ?" you looked at the other guys, rubbing the back of your neck nervously.

"Nosaka Yuuma"

"Nishikage Seiya"

"Haizaki Ryouhei"

"Nice to meet you." your nervousness instantly vanished and you flashed them a bright smile.

Asuto handed you a slice of watermelon and you instantly nommed on it, earning some amused stares.

"What ? It's good watermelon." you pouted and huffed, continuing your nomming.

"What team do you play for ? I've never seen you before." Nosaka asked you, making you stop your nomming.

"Oh- I play for my school's team called (Team name). I used to play for Seoul Stars though. And you wouldn't have seen me because I've lived in Korea for the past few years." you said with a half full mouth.

"Wait, Seoul Stars ? I've heard of them before ! They're quite known for their extreme speed and unique hissatsu techniques." Asuto exclaimed, his eyes sparkling. You were silently hoping he didn't know you.

"Errr..yeah..." you took another bite of your watermelon, finishing it.

"Tch, whatever...." the gray haired boy said, which you assumed was Haizaki if you remembered correctly.

An awkward silence ensued but was soon broken by your phone ringing.

"Gah- sorry but I have to go. My aunt is waiting for me." you flashed them a small smile before rushing off, not giving them a chance to say goodbye.

'Maybe they'll be at the Inazuma Japan selection too ?' you thought to yourself as you were walking out of the hospital with your aunt.

'That would be pretty cool '



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