Chapter One

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Chapter One

Once more, I found myself standing persistently inside the all too familiar police station, in hopes of finding answers to my unbending questions. These were questions that each officer here has heard me ask time and time again. Questions that they were still unable to provide answers to.

The officers in the room cast glances my way, making no attempt to hide the annoyance that soured their expressions. It was clear my presence didn't bring the least bit of comfort in this place. To them, they were 'exhausted' and had 'bigger-things' to worry about than my theatrics. I was seen as a nuisance; an inconvenience they had to tolerate. Still, no matter how mad it may seem, I held my head up stubbornly.

The stares no longer bothered me, for it was something I quickly became familiar to. Still, I detested the look of pity that would often soften the probing eyes of those around me. It made me feel that I was being perceived as a victim rather than a person. A person just like anyone else who was willing to do anything and everything to protect their family. As for the officers who didn't pity me, they would often disregard me all together, as if I was naught but a bratty child throwing another tantrum for her toy.

My attention returned to Detective Morris Mitchell as he made his way towards me. I moved to greet him properly, but the smile on my face faltered when I noticed his sympathetic expression. I instantly knew that I was not going to like the new information he was about to bestow onto me.

"What?!" I snapped at Morris, not caring who might overhear. "What do you mean 'nothing'? How is there nothing you can do?" I tried to remind myself that I was in a police station, yelling at an officer of the law nonetheless, but my frustration held no prisoners.

Morris had relayed the news to me, explaining that they are unable to help me any further. He disclosed that my case was now out of their control and that it was out of his hands. He went on to say more, but I could no longer hear him. I felt like he was giving up on me. Morris was the one and only person who was willing to help me, and now he's telling me it's over. Despite warning myself to remain calm, I had no control over the anger that was beginning to cloud my sense of rationality.

"I understand your frustration, Maria. I really do, but this is now out of our control. You have to understand we can't do anymore than what we already have." I listened to his words, but they brought no comfort.

"You've found her, didn't you?" The look on Morris' face gave me my answer. "Where is she? Where is Laura?"


"Where is she, Morris?" I demanded. My heart was thumping painfully in my chest, torn between fear and relief. After all this time, I was relieved to find that we had a lead on Laura's whereabouts, but fear weighed heavily on my chest. The grim thoughts that I had shoved to the back of my mind were now protruding to the surface.

"She's in a brothel." I didn't think I heard him correctly.


"She works in a brothel." He repeated, watching me warily.

I nodded my head slowly, trying to process his words. "O-Okay, let's go get her. We... we have to get her out. Why are we wasting time?!"

"It's not that simple-"

"Why!" I yelled out in confusion and frustration. Morris firmly grabbed my arm and urged me into his office. I was so infused in my frantic emotions that I didn't notice the nosy onlookers we had gained. Once inside the privacy of Morris' office, he shut the door and leaned against it. I instantly caught the changes in his demeanor. His body was neither stiff nor relaxed. His reserved gaze scanned my face, analyzing me. If I was not mistaken, I would say he appeared somewhat detached from me.

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