But I didn't expect that they will follow behind us and they were maintaining a meter of a distance between the two families, my family and their family.

And they are doing it humbly.

My mind is floating. I'm incredibly confused. Why did Dad call the king little Julius? And why did the king called us Great Ancestors?

While deliberating about the situation, the guard guarding the huge door opened it. The dining room was so glamorous and extravagant.

There was a very long table in the middle, candles and squeaky clean plates, forks and other utensils are placed on top of the table. I feel like I am in a world class hotel, the difference is, this is the palace and that one is the hotel.

Above the table, is a very huge shiny chandelier in laid with gold, diamonds and different jewels. The lights were shining brightly like the stars in the night sky.

Butlers and maids are waiting on the sidelines. When are reached the table, the butlers beside the chairs pulled it and let us sit.

Well, they sat while Mom put me on her lap.

After that, the maids from outside delivered the food into the table. They look so delicious but since I'm just a one year old baby, I can't eat those.

What a pity.

The food was served but no one started to eat, even the royal family. I looked at my father's direction, and again, I was shocked because he was sitting at the head seat where the king was supposed to be. I also realized that mom and me are sitting beside him were the queen was supposed to be.

My brothers sat where the prince should have been.

"Let's eat first." Dad said.

The Royal family only picked their fork and knife when father did it started eating.

I just shrugged and continued to eat my food, this body needs many nutrients you know?

After the first ever silent meal I had with my parents and brothers, father started explaining situation.


I was shocked at revelation dad said.

It turns out, that we are really relatives. Dad's mother and the King's Great grandfather that is six generations above him are siblings.

So, me and my brothers are the second generation from Dad's parents. While the king is the sixth generation starting from the first generation's father which is practically my dad's mother's older big brother.

Okay, I think this is really confusing. So, let's just call my dad's mother's big older brother or also known as the king's Great great great great grandfather, as my dad's uncle.

Okay, that's settled.

So, yes, the hierarchy history is like this.

My dad's mother and my dad's uncle is from the same parents, which is also the past king and queen. Since Dad's mother is a girl, her big brother was the one who reigned as a king. While Dad's mother was entitled as a Duchess.

Then during an adventure, my grandmother met grandfather and of course they fell in love. Grandmother brought grandfather home, which is funny because the wife was the one who brought the husband home.

I mean, it should have been the other way around.

And they got married with the blessings of grandmother's big brother. After that of course, my father was born and he is the only son without any siblings.

That is the future Duke, father was supposed to be married to a neighboring country's princess. But of course, that didn't happen because Mom appeared. According to Dad, he was mesmerized the first time he saw mother.

And he said, that it was a love at first sight.

Quoted by Dad, her silver hair was shining under the moonlight and her crimson red eyes were shining ever so brightly and is full of mysteriousness. When their eyes met, he couldn't help but be sucked into her crimson red orbs. Coupled with the settings which is in the cursed Dark Forest, she both looked like a fallen angel and a crazy beautiful devil.

Okay I admit, I glossed it out.

In fact, it wasn't that peaceful nor enchanting. The setting or scene, his practically full of gore. Mom just finished fighting all of those assassins. Since Mom is very brutal, as far as I know, in that scene she have dismembered some of those assassins. Blood flowed and stained her face and her dress. The original green grass was dyed red and dark clothed bodies are sprawled all around her.

The ground was scorched with lightning. Behind her is a nine-tailed fox and other kinds of mythical animals. Every single one of them was covered with blood.

The dagger and the silver katana on both of her hands are still dripping with fresh blood. Apparently, dad just happened to pass that section of the cursed dark forest. He didn't expect that there would be a fight in that area.

Hahaha... As far as I can see, dad had an automatic filter in his eyes when it comes to mother.

To silence father, Mom used her blessing which is teleportation and teleported in front of father. Her blade was about to slice dad's neck when he dodged it and did something unexpected.

After dodging mom's attack, he used his agility and speed and went behind mother and did a back hug to her. Then he kissed her on her neck claiming that it's a mark that she is his.

Then he fled. Yep! My dad was a scum who flirted and fled.

Because of the bad first impression, dad spent many many years just to court mother. And after that, he became a henpecked husband.

Note, when I said many it really is so long.

It was to the point that Grandma's big older brother's 6th generation's son is nearly as the same age as me.

Their very first daughter.

As to why father and mother is still alive, well, I don't know.

Right, I'm just glad that the neighboring princess don't fancy dad that's why Mom and Dad's love story progressed without obstacles, well, except for Mom being hard to get.

And while Mom and Dad is busy with their hide and seek game and hard to get game, Dad's uncle's generation went on and on.

So yup! That's it.


I just noticed that I didn't really tell the hierarchical history but my grandma's and dad's love story. 


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