10: My Name (A)

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It's been a month since that incident happened.

Nothing really happened. We resumed to our lazy lifestyle like nothing happened...

Okay, fine. I just lied.

This past month, I officially removed my tag of being called a prodigy. I should have been happy, but should I?

They now freaking call me an evildoer! I don't know why but it makes me sound like a witch who cursed an entire clan.

Ugh... What to do?! I feel like a monkey in a zoo!

Wow. That rhymes.

Tsk. I just joked at my self.

I am currently sitting alone inside my bedroom and waiting for the hour of torment to come.

While lamenting on my unluckiness, I reminisced what happened a month ago.


I can't help but have a creepy feeling about this whole set up despite what I did a while ago.

I mean, all of the people within the household could have chosen a better place for me to explain but they didn't!

The iron smell and the darkening blood that starts to harden is still in this hall. I am sitting on the couch that we sat on when I just made my entrance.

The others are in front of me, waiting for my explanation. Some are sitting and some are standing.

They were not bothered the slightest bit.

I wanna shed tears. I didn't know that the cute maids especially my poor Ellie is an iron barbie.

I took a deep breath, then I began to tell them the truth.

"You all know that I sleep- I mean hibernated sometimes, right?"

They nod their heads.

"It was because I was getting unique powers. I needed and have to assimilate my body with it. While I was sleeping, my body was adjusting according to the flowing powers without damaging my consciousness. During that time, my consciousness or you can say, soul, is separated from my body and is transferred into a dark space.

As you know, the first time that kind of thing happened is when I was just born and it is with the reason that because my body needed to be strengthened so that it can withhold the influx of powers. During my sleep, my bones, cells, veins, and everything changed. It became strong and pure-"

I abruptly stopped and looked at my second brother with a glare.

My moment!

How dare he cut it!

Okay, let's calm down and be tolerant to kids.

"Hmm?" I hummed.

He let down his raised hands and replied.

"What do cells and veins mean?"


I overestimated this era's medical knowledge. The thing they only know in the human body is bones, blood, skin, muscles, heart, liver, brain and did I forget to say blood?

Heck! They even called intestines as 'red ropes'!

Like, what the bloody hell?!

"Oh! You don't need to be concerned in such small details" I said.

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