13: Dimension

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Silvress felt like she was floating. Her body was curled up like a fetus.

She slowly stretched out her limbs.

"I'm surprised I didn't have cramps after being in that kind of posture for more than... hours? Who knows?"

She controlled her body to float vertically from its initial horizontal floating position.

"Woah! Where is this place?"

Contrary to when she first died, where she was surrounded by absolute whiteness, this time around, she was surrounded by complete darkness.

Is this Hell?

Nah! Maybe it is the purgatory?

Before Silvress could think any further, a game screen like those from games popped out in front of her, scaring the daylight out of our protagonist.

"Bloody Mary! What the heck?!"

She said while clutching her chest because of her erratically beating heart tightly.

My gosh Casey!

She calmed down almost instantly.

[Welcome back Host Silvress.]

"Ohh? So system, what is this screen for? And how many day was I unconscious?"

[Host Silvress has been unconscious for two months due to your body self healing the damages done because of Host's rampant powers. And this screen is for Host Silvress to pick games whenever she is bored.]

"Good. At least I won't be bored. Right, system can you estimate the time it will take for my profiles to be integrated and for it to adjust to my current body."

[According to estimation, Host Silvress' profiles will need a year and half for it to be integrated and another half a year for it to be integrated and adjust to Host's body. All in all, two years, Host.]

Silvress had a blank expression on.


Two years?!

What the hell?!

So I'll rot for two years inside this dimension before I can touch the light?!

[Host Silvress, you can still play games, you know.]

What games?!

Dressing simulations?!

Counter strike?!

Mobile Legends?!

League of Legends?!


Oh my gosh!

Don't tell me, it'll be Tetris?!

Who the heck need those games?!

It's too backward!

I'd very much prefer my Facebook, TikTok, Instagram, Twitter, and YouTube account over those shits!

System. Are you still stuck in the year 2017?! Did you not do the so called update?!

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