5: Our Nameless MC

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A month had passed ever since that incident happened.

Our nameless mc was bestowed the title of a genius by the her family and their servants.

Of course she was pleased by the title, but somehow, she felt like it is inappropriate for her to be called like that.

She continued to impress and amaze those around her until it slightly backfired and made them look at her like she grew two heads and six limbs whenever they see her.

Learning how to say words at only four months old.

Then half a month later, she can talk and communicate to others and elegantly at that. The words coming out of her small mouth are clear and concise like she learned how to talk years ago.

And let's be reminded that she is only four months old and a half.

Then half a month later, she started to walk albeit slowly and swaying side by side.

But! She is only FIVE MONTHS OLD!!

Babies her age are only lying in their crib waiting for their mother or nanny to feed them!

And technically, their bones are just forming and can't withstand their weight during this time.

The maids, butlers, guards and even her parents started to look at her with horror. The weird look they gave her started on from this event.

THEN! Another half a month later she finally learned how to walk steadily and run fast like a three year old.

Well, this occurrence terrified the people in the whole household of De Viltrex.

It seems that their miss is developing faster than a normal child nothing different she's just special, is what they thought just to pacify their thumping terrified heart.

Surely, her fast growth is already in it's limit. After this, everything will be back to normal. Our hearts can't bear any more shock, is what everyone thought while patting their shoulders.

But it seems that fate- no, our nameless mc has other plans.

Exactly half a month later, a group of maids saw their little miss trying-but-looked-like-practicing how to write words.

The maids were utterly terrified and tried to run away unnoticed. Keyword tried, their miss saw them running like headless chickens but instead of asking what's going on, she just shrugged and let them be.

Maybe they're having a marathon.

News traveled fast and not long before the maids had a marathon, the Duke and Duchess came running into the library, abandoning their etiquettes.

Seeing their daughter with a pen and a paper they blanked out.

A long stretch of silence happened after that.

Let's continue about our main character's accomplishments.

Half a month later, our mc emerged with a paper full of elegant writings. Every word and its structure was impeccable and nicely done, it can even rival the kingdom's best scholar.

A six and a half years old kid can rival the writings of the kingdom's best scholar whose age may have been fifty or sixty times her age! Isn't that simply ridiculous?! Its called insanity!

The whole household expected it, so they weren't that shocked compared to the past months.

Lucky for them, our mc decided to give them a rest because of the too much stimulation she have given them.

She is, however, confused. Every time she reveals her abilities she always give them enough time to recover then reveal something again.

She knows very well to keep things slowly, which she did.

Because she could have just showed them all of those at once but because she is kind hearted she gave them time to adjust in every intervals.

If the whole household knew what the little miss is thinking, there's a possibility that they'll bang their heads on a wall.

How dare she say slowly?!

Do she even know how normal kids her age grows?!

Is it possible that their miss is born without any common sense?!

For a month and a half, the mansion seems to go back to normal. Everyone thought that their miss has finally gone to right path of being a normal child.

But little did they know, their little miss is will be doing something. Something that will be firmly cement her image of being an abnormality in their minds never to waver.


I gave a month and a half rest time for the entire household. I seemed to have slightly overdid it.

Okay fine, I very overdid it.

I just want to let them know that I don't need to relearn those things. But yeah, it backfired.

Whenever I pass by they'll give that look like I'm some sort of alien, maybe I am?


I tried to ignore it but after so long I thought they'll adapt to it and stop those actions. But I was obviously wrong.

These past months, I felt very annoyed. I mean who'd want to be treated like an animal in a zoo. Certainly, no one does.

So after so much deliberation, I stopped my terrifying actions.

They miraculously started to go back to normal.


I'll just sleep for a moment to relieve my irritation.

But how the heck would I know, that this bloody for a moment will last for exactly one and a half months.


Again, the little miss of the De Viltrex dukedom had sunken into a deep sleep.

Naturally, when everyone get to know what happened. They became flustered.

Inviting physicians from the whole kingdom.

For safety and tradition purposes, everyone of the family and servants wore masks. Gold for the family and bronze for the servants.

Every physician that came and went never bothered by the whole household's mask rule.

For them it is normal. The De Viltrex dukedom is known as the most mysterious and solitary family in the whole kingdom and even to the other kingdoms. So nothing's new.

For every physician that came, the duchy becomes more and more gloomy.

All the diagnosis are the same.

Nothing's wrong, she's just sleeping.

Out of fury, the Duke coldly sent all the physicians away.

But before he can calm down, a letter saying that a Earl from another country is visiting the De Viltrex dukedom.

Well, let's just say that the duchy is emitting a dark aura that can be seen and felt for even miles away.

No one, not even the servants, welcome the Earl who thought of visiting on an untimely day.

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