9: Frightening The Unwanted Visitors (D)

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I brandished the dagger that I stole from mother from when I was sitting next to her.

I slashed both the Earl's wrist to make his hand immobile. Then I reached out my other empty hand and dislocated his jaw before he could scream.

"You shouldn't have spouted lies and tried to break my family. Dreams? Life long partner? Tsk. You and your f*cked up story."

When I landed, I also quickly slashed the back of his knee, making him kneel. I smirked and placed my pointing finger on his forehead and lightly pushed it, making him lie on the floor.

"Like I said, a banana tree will be cut down if there is a storm."

I didn't waste any time and quickly went to slash the pig's knee so that he will kneel and make it convenient for me to reach for his eyes.

Hahaha... I have been itching to do this.

I gave him a smile of malice.

"You shouldn't have stared at my mother, you pig."


Before he can say what he wanted to say.

I used both of my hands and plunged my fingers into his eyes. Blood spurted out like a fountain dyeing my clothes red. Blood was dripping on my face.

His shout was so ear piercing. Tsk. I should've dislocated his jaw.

Because I have small and thin fingers, I had quickly taken ahold of his eye balls.


I let out a creepy laugh, like that of a patient from a mental asylum.

Then, I pulled out his eyeballs. When it was out an dangling. I released it and proceeded to dislocate his jaw.

My ears are suffering, you know.

I picked the left out dagger on the floor and slashed the string of veins or muscle attached in his eyeballs.

His eyeballs fell and rolled two meters away from him.

Smiling a satisfied smile, I looked at the dagger that I held.

I missed this feeling. I didn't think I will be doing this kind of thing 8 months after my death in the other world.

I let out the hidden killing intent. It was so dense that it materialized into a red fog.

It's bad for my mental and physical health if I will not let it out. I wouldn't want my hair falling easily like a leaf in autumn, okay.

I noticed that my parents and siblings are trembling and suffocated, same with the servants.

Sigh. I overdid it.

After this, I will be treated as a monster. Maybe they'll put me in a stake and burn me alive just like those medieval witches.

I chuckled.

I controlled my killing intent and let it retreat from them, I then willed it to surround those colorful cupcakes.

Then, like a bulb switched open above my head, I tried to do something.

I controlled a sliver of my killing intent and let it coat my dagger.

The dark dagger became bloody red after that.

I looked at the thing in front of me. I lifted my arms and slashed the dagger at his joint where his arms and body connect. I also did it on his other arm.

Then, looked at a certain leg.

"This should be removed." I smiled wickedly.

I took a step back five times, enough not be stained with his blood further.

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