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-MAXXXX- (screams)

DREW: I think your parents are here Max.

D UNCLE:  Why is your dad so furious? Did you do something that you are not supposed to do Max?

Max parents entered the room in a rush-

-Why are you guys here? And mom too- What happen-

MAX: It’s -----

D DAD: Hey Mike- It’s emergency. So, we had to come here. Did max do anything wrong ? He’s just a kid. Forgive him.

MIKE:  No – No it’s not like that. To be honest I have always kept this room vacant and didn’t let anyone used this room because-*looks down*


MIKE:  This is the last place where Andrew and Misty spend the night- before Andrew passed away. I just don’t want anyone to stay here unless it’s them. Andrew has always loved this room. He’d always stay here whenever he ran away from home. And mainly because of this *points at the closer where there clothes are kept*  I just want to make this room special. I still hasn’t change anything or move anything. It’s the same as how Andrew decorated this place.

Everyone were on the verge of tearing up- holding back their tears. After mike told them how Andrew literally spend his youth inside that particular room. The paints- His works. How he earn money by selling his paintings.

D NANA:  Thank you so much Mike- *huginghim*

D UNCLE:  Bruh Andrew will be so proud of you.

MIKE:  BY the way why are you guys here? And who is he? *points at henry*.

D UNCLE:  He is Misty’s Doctor.

HENRY:  Hy my name is Henry.And Misty private Doc-

MIKE: So, you are Misty doctor?

MELLISA:  Wait Mike did you also know what happen to Misty?

MIKE:  And there’s something I must tell you too. I have been wanting to tell you guys I know it’s betterlate than ever but Andrew and Misty has a daughter. After my wife gave birth to Max we went for check-up and there I saw Misty. I was suspecting that it was someone’s child since Misty was young I thought she could have remarry but I overheard Misty rebelling to her mom about the kid saying she’ll keep it no matter what happen because it was Andrew’s. I was so sad at the same time happy to hear that but it was hard to explain that time so, I kept quiet. As days passed by I have my man tailed her or worked at their place. And I started gathering information on Misty and Anna. I did nothing for Andrew while he was alive so, I wanted to repay him back his kindness by protecting his family. AndI heard Misty was seriously ill and that her mom plans to give up Anna for adoption. So, taking this opportunity i persuaded Misty mom saying I’ll give her as much as she needs and to give Anna to us. She’s a gold digger so, she accepted and Now we are on our way to pick ANNA UP. I decided to bring Anna to you after I take her out from that house and explains everything. You don’t need to doubt because she really looks like Andrew and with Misty beautiful eyes. *Smiles*

Everyone kept quiet weeping bitterly-

D DAD:  thank you mike for taking care of my Sister and Niece.

D UNCLE: *explaining everything that had happen* Anna was here.

MIKE: I am scared something might happen to them if Misty mom gets them first. She is very unpredictable.

DOC HENRY:  That’s what I am thinking too.

MIKE:  So, let’s do like this as for now misty mother doesn’t know my identity. I will go with my wife and confront her. Meanwhile you go and search for them.

D UNCLE:  Okay- let’s do that.

D DAD:  Mellisa take mom to home. She have cried too much she might faint at this rate.

MELLISA:  I wanna join you guys.

D UNCLE: Mellisa do as we say-

D DAD:  MOM don’t worry. We will bring back Misty and Anna. GO home and rest assure. Misty will be worried if you are also sick. You don’t want to worsen her health right.

After persuading Mellisa, they separated their ways. Henry and Drew went near the hospital to ask around-Mike to Misty’s place to kill time- Drew dad-Uncle and Max went to the cyber to trace the phone which Max gave Anna before she went missing.


I must leave before it gets too late. I must use this opportunity to leave without leaving any trace. I must go and find Anna before mom lost her mind.

When the doc left her alone she sneaks away covering her head with a scarf. She luckily met no one on her way out of the hospital-

MISTY: *turns back* how comes? I mean why are you here Dear?

ANNA:  I came to search for you Mom- I miss you 

MISTY:  I miss you too Dear-Let’s go. This is not the right place to talk. I’ll take you somewhere.

ANNA:  Anywhere is fine as long as I am with you mom.

Misty held Anna hand and they walk as fast as they could just to be away from the area in case people start searching for Misty.

ANNA:  Mom it’s getting late where are we going?

MISTY:  We will be there soon.

ANNA:  I have a friend he has been giving me a shelter. Let’s go there. I will ring him up. You look weak mom.

MISTY: *grabs the phone and off*  Anna We must not take anyone help from now on. We can never trust anyone. I am fine. By the way why aren’t you at home?

ANNA: *She didn’t want her mom to worry so, she lied.* I felt bored staying at home whole day so, I ran away.

MISTY:  Does your Grandma know about this?

ANNA:  She must have known by now- *hugs her mom* Mom I am so glad you are fine now. I have lots of friends I would like to introduce you to.

MISTY:  *Teary eyes* Of course I will meet your friends when everything is over.Are you hungry?

ANNA:  No I am not- Mom we have walk for more than 2hours. Where are we going?

MISTY:  Don’ worry We will soon be there. Just hold on Okay-

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