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I am not giving up on you Ann. I will stay by your side no matter how many times you tell me off. Why is she so scared of giving it a try I want to show her my sincere love or is it not enough? Or does it look like I am just faking it-

(takes out the phone)

 Max: Do I look like I am after Ann just for fun?

DREW:  Bruh its 2am now-spitting nonsense.

MAX:  Answer me- fast

Drew:  Why are you asking me that- you should know yourself the best? Did anna say anything?

MAX:  She is still unwilling to accept my proposal. I mean what have I done wrong? That she is still unwilling. I already did my best to change myself. I have improved a lot in class too. You know that right Drew-you know how much I love her right-

DREW:  calm down Max. I know you love her a lot and you also did your best so that she can accept you. You just need to wait for the right time. Maybe she has a lot in her mind right now-and still is not ready to fall in love. Who knows?

MAX:  I can and will wait for her. No matter what the circumstances are- I will accept her. Because she is Anna.Please let her know that I said this- When you guys chat. Goodnight- See ya tomorrow.


Max is so in love with her. Gosh- who won’t love a girl like Anna. But I just can’t read her mind this time. Like she hardly shows her emotion.I know she already has a lot going in her mind with all the chaos at her home. Well-it’s not my business- she’ll accept him when she wants to. I have a no say in this type of matter because it’s Max and Anna problem. I better go to sleep early it’s late This damn guy woke me up- just for this.
Well since, I am already up I’ll send her morning wish.

DREW:  Good Morning Ann- Great day ahead. See you later-


  I am just so grateful that I still have people loving me despite all this flaws of mine. I hope Max will still wait for me till then.
(phone rings)

ANNA: Wow- early morning wish it is- I will just reply him back tomorrow- or else I won’t be able to answer all his unending questions.
(staring at her parents picture)
How I wish both of you are still here- pampering me asking me why I couldn’t sleep?Where can I find dad- 


DOCTOR:  Hello Miss how are you feeling?

 MISTY:  Where’s my Daughter?

 DOCTOR: It’s late why are you still up-

MISTY:  I just don’t feel like sleeping. I miss my daughter so much-

 DOCTOR:  DO you want to talk to her?

 MISTY:  I don’t know her number and I don’t have phone either.

DOCTOR:  I thought you had one. You can use mine if you want to.

 MISTY:  Doc can you do me a favour?

 DOCTOR:  What is it? Let’s see if I can help you.

 MISTY:  can you please stop my mom from visiting me. I am just so sick and tired of seeing her and listening to her scams.

DOCTOR:  But she’s your mother. Every day she beg me to help you recover fast.

 MISTY:  DO you believe her?

 DOCTOR:  Of course after all she’s your mother.

 MISTY: NO mother would want to ruin her daughter life right?- Doc you must not believe in everything she said. She’s my mother and I know her the most.

 DOCTOR: It’s not an easy thing to keep your relative away from you-

 MISTY:  And please don’t tell her that I am improving either. Just answer her that I am same as usual. All I need is to see my daughter but why is she even stopping me from seeing her lately.If she knows I am improving I don’t know what will happen to my daughter- I beg you Doc please

 DOCTOR:  Okay I’ll try my best and I hope you will solve out the problem with your mom soon. It’s bad holding grudge with your parents.

 MISTY:  Thank you Doc.

 DOCTOR: (caressing her head)-

Misty mom was on her way back to Misty counselling room. But she suddenly stop after seeing Misty and Her doctor chemistry. She didn’t want to disturb them so she came back unnoticed.

(entering the car)

DRIVER:  Why are you back Ma’am?

 MMOM:  SHSSSH- You don’t have to know.

Wait did I see right? I heard the doc is also unmarried. How I wish he fall in love with my daughter. She’s just 28 she can remarry- I can raise Anna. I knew it from the start that who can resist my Daughter Beauty.

(phone rings)

MMOM:  Okay doc I am on my way-
(Entering the doctor room)

MMOM:  Doctor how’s my daughter condition?

DOCTOR:  As I have said before it will take time. So,you need to be patience when it comes to this type of treatment.

 MMOM:  Sorry Doc. I just want my daughter to be fine. I know I am a bad mother not fulfilling a duty as a mother. But who don’t want her daughter to live happily-

DOCTOR:  Don’t worry Ma’am. We are still here-

 MMOM:  I am so relieved to hear that from you doc. I leave my daughter life in your hand.

 DOCTOR:  Whatt—Ohh okay. Sure.

 DOCTOR:  By the way ma’am you need to fill this up-(hands out a paper)

 MMOM:   (scans the paper with her eyes)  What is this for?

 DOCTOR: In case anything happens we’ll need this.

 MMOM:  It’s okay you have my number. You can just give me a call. There’s no other members other than me who has phone.

 DOCTOR:  Oh Okay- You may leave-

Misty mom heads out

DOCTOR:  Whose word am I suppose to believe both the daughter and Mom words feels so true. Well I have to see it for a while. The mother temper is no joke, while the daughter is so soft with words.

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