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Everyone were cleaning after the party. It was already late. But Andrew felt Guilty because of the ring thing. So, he decided to go and checkout the ring. Without them knowing.

ANDREW: I am going out to meet Mike-

A MOM: Why don't you go and meet them tomorrow? It's late.

ANDREW: I will be back soon.

MISTY: Okay- Be back soon. *kiss*

ANDREW: Love you misty- *soft voice*

A SIS: Why act so lovey-dovey- When she's yours already HAHAHA-

ANDREW: I just want to shower her with all my love every sec-min-

A BRO: Stop talking- Go and come back fast-

Saying that Andrew left for the jewellery store. While Misty and the others clean up. Misty was taken to Andrew room. They showed her around the house.

Andrew dad and mom gave her some cash so,they can prepare everything and asked them if it is insufficient they can come to them.

Asister lended her some clothes. She wash up- clean-folds Andrew clothes- She can't stop smiling from ear to ear thinking about Andrew and how his family treated her. She waited for Andrew- it was already past 12 but no signs of Andrew returning home. She' started getting worried. She thought he might be still hanging out and didn't want to disturb him so, she didn't ring him up. She waited for the whole night.


AMOM: Misty you look so tired- Go back to sleep.

MISTY: I am okay Mom. By the way where's Andrew?

A DAD: He didn't return home yesterday?

MISTY: NO- I will ring up mike-
*Went up to room*

Misty: hello mike?
MIKE: Hey Misty- I heard the news congratulation!!

MISTY: Thank you- By the way can you give the phone to Andrew?

MIKE: Wait! He didn't return back? He left early yesterday.

MISTY: But he's still not at home. Can you please ask around your friend?

MIKE: Okay- I will ring you up ASAP.
*comes down*

A DAD: What did mike say?

MISTY: It seems he left early yesterday- but why is he not back yet.

A MOM: Why don't you go and ask around *to his brothers* I am worried.

MISTY: NO- he will be back. We just need to rest assure. *phone rings*

MISTY: Hello Mike any news? *Misty faints*

She was taken to her room. When she finally wakes up after few hours- People cries can be heard from downstairs, her world suddenly gets gloomy, Andrew smells disappear- she woke up and came down where the people had gathered only to see ANDREW LYING THERE WITH CLOSED EYES-PALE SKIN-RED LIPS- Misty was not greeted with Hello babe anymore the last word she heard from Andrew was I LOVE YOU MISTY- She never thought it will be the last time she saw Andrew smile again-
She was awestruck not knowing what to do. She slowly approaches the coffin where Andrew was kept- recalling everything What Andrew had said- what he has promised. THE VOW which he made on their last day together.

MISTY: BABY why are you lying there? Didn't you say you will come back soon.I have clean up our room. Why are you staying still? You promised me that you will stay with me forever right? Baby open your eyes- Our Journey just started. How am I supposed to survive without your love- *crying* Anndrew -It's late wake up- I stayed up the whole night waiting for you. BABE PLEASE DON'T DO THIS TO ME
AMOM: Dear Calm down- *crying*

MISTY: MOM why is Andrew so bad? All he does is makes me suffer when he promised he won't make me suffer anymore.

Misty Mom also came after hearing what happened to Andrew.

MMOM: Misty- Stop crying. He's in a better place now. DO you think Andrew will be happy seeing you like this.You must stay strong for Andrew-

MISTY: Mom how am I supposed to stay calm. When Andrew is not answering me? Mom Wake him up please. Wake up your son-in-law. *faints*

Everyone burst out crying seeing misty-whispering she's an unlucky girl. Andrew on his way back met an accident but the doctors couldn't save him as he has loss lots of blood and was not bought in time. Luckily mike customers told the news to Mike- The time he reaches the accident spot it was too late to save him. Mike lives his life in regret saying he could have save him if it was a bit earlier.

After performing the rituals, Mistymom came to Andrew place asking to take back Misty-

MISTY: What are you even talking about? I am staying here. Even though Andrew is no more- I am staying here with my in-laws.

MMOM: You are still young. What are you going to do with your remaining lives.
A DAD: What your mom says is true Misty- You are still young. And your journey ahead is long.

MISTY: Dad don't you consider me as your daughter-in-law anymore? *running towards andrew mom* Mom don't you love me anymore?

A DAD: Of course We love you Misty. You are like our daughter. Of course we want what's the best for you. But it's just that Andrew is no more- how are you going to spend the rest of your life?

MISTY: No- His soul still lives in this house. I can feel him. I am not going anywhere. Even if you drag me I am not moving an inch. I promised Andrew that I will stay with him forever here.

MMOM: Misty Are you out of your mind? Come let's go home-

MISTY: My home is here.

MMOM: Okay if you insist-Then I'll drop you back at evening why don't you come and collect your things.You don't have anything here-

MISTY: Are you sure?
MMOM: Why'd I lie my dear? I will surely drop you back- Andrew is also my son-in-law.

After persuading Misty, She went home with her mom-

A SIS: Mom stop misty. I know she's not coming back. Mom stop her-

A MOM: her mother knows what's the best for her. We have a no say in this matter. Misty is still young. She shouldn't waste her time mourning for Andrew.

After the day Misty left- She never came back-she was grounded. Months later she found out she was pregnant with Andrew child. She ran away from home with happy tears to let Andrew family know about the good news. But sadly they have shifted their house as they want to move on from everything that has been happening. The guilt is eating her up- which led her to these conditions.

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