"He really said, "Don't underestimate him" wow! He trusts me! I hope I did well in the finals."

"Ah, YAY, we won! I can show off to him now. Good thing I took his promise to give me gift.But Will I really be able to sing in the contest, though.hmm.. I just have to wait and see."

"L-O-V-E~~~ this song is so good. Even P'tutah seems to be dancing."

"He voted for me? Really? He also seemed to be jealous. Wow"

"I would say just like the sun gives the moon its light by reflecting, P'arthit has made me shine because he is my sun and I am his moon. I wish I could tell him that."

After 5 episodes:-

Ahh! I am not able to stop. I want to watch what happened next. As far as I know, p'arthit wont accept me if I directly make a move on him. I wish I could experience all this. Is it really possible to love a character? Am I falling in love with the guy I was supposed to meet, but he is character now? This is making me tired. Aish! Today since morning I had to continuously be on my toes at the set. What will I do after 2 days..? I need to act as an actor who acted my role. The Irony of this...Uff.

I should probably get some rest. Its already 02:30 am. Its so late.

Ouch! What is this under the pillow?

A diary?!

This could help me in dealing with people in his life and act accordingly. Oh wow, this is dated from 2018 till yesterday. So Phi'Singto writes a journal regularly? There are even pics in some of them. Its gonna be a while reading this. Let me just read 2018 entries, they seem to be from Dec 21st. (A/N:- Its the day Our skyy episode of Kong arthit was aired)

Diary entries:-
Dec 21st

"Today, Seeing our skyy episode with krist made me feel all sorts of emotions. This story of me going to abroad, seems too realistic. When I go abroad for pursuing my dream of becoming a director and move back behind the scenes, Will he miss me? Our relationship, What is it? What is it that I feel towards him.. I don't want to lose him. I always want to spend time with him. Its like after filming our skyy together, our dynamic has changed. We have become more closer/intimate. When he rested his head on my shoulder and as we watched the story of Kong Arthit coming to a beautiful end, My heart was racing continuously. Did I end up falling for him? Aish..."

Dec 25th

"Merry Chirstmas! Today, I spent the whole day with dad. He seems to be so happy to see back home. I wish I could move here to keep him company always... Doing things for him is the least I can do for the man who loved me and always encouraged me. After Mom's death, he has been a rock in my life where in my bad days I could just lay my head down in his lap and I would courage to face the world. He is my superstar who guides me and Supports me. He knows about me more than myself. He even sensed the change in dynamic in the relationship of me and Krist after we watched Our skyy together. Even When he looked at me and just smiled, I could see his understanding towards me. I could see the acceptance. I love you dad. I wish for us to be happy together always."

1st Jan 2019

"A new year! A fresh Start! Yesterday night, I had the most amazing experience with krist at the countdown. That hug after 12 o clock was the best ever. I wish that we be together like that for many years to come with him and also peraya. 6 years and counting... I want that this journey with him never ends. I am just happy watching from afar, being his Singtuan. I am happy being with him. I am happy just to see that I can be that person who he turns to for advice, that I can be that person who he plays pranks with and takes care of. Even if we don't put a label on this relationship, I happy with what we have. He is indeed the sun, He shines so brightly, he is extremely talented actor, singer and can also play drums, and doesn't deserve to be held back by me. I will support him no matter what. He is my kit <3"

Wait, back up! In our skyy episode, I leave Thailand and to go abroad? And Phi Singto loves P'Krist? Ah! Today's events make more sense. No wonder P'Krist knew what Phi Singto likes to eat. No wonder he noticed immediately at the first meeting that I am not Phi Singto. Does P'Krist also like Phi' Singto? Are they Boyfriends? It doesn't seem like that, I mean somebody would have mentioned or called him as my-Phi Singto's boyfriend. So thats why P'off and P'gun teased me.

It's been 2 years... has Phi singto always been feeling like this? That he will hold P'Krist back? Who is this peraya?
I think I need to gather more information but sleep first.

Little did Kong noticed the last page, which said,
"Kongpob I lived first day of your college life..."

A/N:-Hello guys! I am back with the chapter again! So Kong watched 5 episodes of sotus. He is already in awe of arthit. What will he do after watching the whole 15 episodes? And Kong now knows about Singto's feelings for krist. He is yet to know about peraya! Will he tell Krist Everything? Where did the line in the last page come from? Next PoV will be of Singto. Stay tuned and Let me know how it is in the comments. My exams start in coming weeks. I am not sure if I will be able to update for next 2 weeks. I will try my best!

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