Once Bitten, Twice Shy

Start from the beginning

"Y/N wait!"

"The paralysis will wear off soon."

You walked away with a gentle groan. When you were pushed into a truck.

"What the hell did you do."

The god awful blue haired devil stared to you. The flames of hatred burned in his eyes. Your eyes gave a cold glare. That made him stop.

You gaze was like throwing him into the 7 rings of the frosted hell.


You walked away with a sigh. Getting into your truck with a groan. You held onto your ears.

You felt a sudden pain deep within your ears. Your head was ready to explode. This was all too much to handle. You couldn't breath.

God, why did this have to happen now of all times. You Pulled the gear into Reverse. Pulling out and heading off into the night. Hatred swirled in your soul like a storm ready to explode on anyone.

You pulled into your apartment complex. Getting out and walking over to your apartment. You tried your best to Walk straight. You weren't buzzed or anything.

Your splitting headache was messing up your walking. Your hand reached for the door. When it was suddenly burst through.

Sending you back onto the railing behind you.

Your mother took steps forward pulling you to look at her.

"I should've known than to let you go out with that kid."

"W-what do you mean?"

She let out a laugh. Pulling herself away to walk back onto the apartment.

"A broken heart is something that takes forever to mend. The question Jái."

You followed her in. Where she prepared her usual little hangover recovery set. She found tomatoes mixed with the rankest of teas worked best.

She had incense, wine and candles.

You let out a laugh seeing this. She brought you over sitting you down in front of her. The smell of incense filled your nostrils. Clearing your mind a great deal.

You then felt her smacking your head.

"Jái! I told you not to drink."

"But ma Mi-"

She let out a loud sigh.

"Son, you need to understand. The first person you meet is not your soul mate..."

"I thought..."

She again sighed pouring a cup of the thickest tea you saw. After she poured in Tomato juice. She stirred it with a nearby spoon.

She handed it to you. To which you smelled and gaged at. She pushed your hand to make you drink it. The taste of bitterness and the sour sweet taste had you gag a bit.

You drank it all. Feeling your headache suddenly disappear. She smiled tapping your head.

"Go to sleep Jái. If Miguel comes by. You know I'll deal with him."

"Alright mom. You'd better sleep too."

"Eh I have leave tomorrow. I need to do something."

"What do you mean?"

"I have a surprise for you tomorrow."

"Mom the tournament."

"You really want to see people fighting?"

"Y-yes, I learn better like that."

She laughed ruffling your hair.

"Well go ta sleep honey. We're waking up early tomorrow."

"Yes Ma."

You waved good night. Heading over to your room. You pulled off your shirt and pants. Pulling on your usual night wear. Sliding into bed with a gentle groan.

Your eyes grew heavy and you drifted off into the land of dreams...

Your eyes grew heavy and you drifted off into the land of dreams

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