Strengthen The Now

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Well you had just finished up your cleaning. You set up your sleeping bag and drawing stuff. You placed down your bamboo mats.

You rushed over to the closet and pulled out a small case.

You opened the case to reveal a small guitar like instrument. Snake skin was wrapped around it's base. The pegs were wrapped too in snake skin.

"Chang'e: old man Zhao's favorite Sanxian."

You looked over to it's side. Finding a few finger picks. You slid one of them onto your thumb. And held the instrument by your side.

Your fingers ran up the spine of the instrument. You took the pick on your thumb. And gently plucked at the three strings.

Your left hand moved up and down the spine. Holding onto the three strings.

While your left hand plucked away. The sound was sour and dry. And definitely out of tune.

"That old man left me with this?"

You groaned pulling your fingers up to the pegs. Your left plucked at the top string. You tuned each string to get a perfect pitch.

"Remember Érzi. Though this may not be as flashy as those other instruments. It doesn't mean that it's awful."

"What do you mean old man Zhao?"

"Well look at that store over there."

Zhao pointed over to a fairly large store with many bright and flashy signs.

"Now look at my store."

His was the exact opposite. All there was, was a big white ign with the words store.

"That store over there sells some of the worst things. Yet by all those signs people think that it's better. Me look at my own. I sell many things."

You nodded understanding the man. Before he would say anything else. He pointed at the instrument in your hand.

"Like Hou Yi here. May be a little ruff. Yet the sound that comes from him is divine. And Chang'e. Though she's pretty her sound is a bit quiet. The two together however."

You both began to pluck at the strings and you followed his movement's.

The sound that exited was a sweet yet fierce melody. He would stop while you continued.

Hearing the missing sweetness.

You turned over to the smiling man.

"That is why I named them as such. Chang'e the goddess of the moon. And Hou Yi the sun destroyer. Forever distanced yet their love always combines into something beautiful."

You looked back down at the instrument.

"She misses her other half."

You continued to pluck at the strings.

You finished up your practicing. And pulled the case back. You placed the instrument inside. And placed it inside your closet.

You got up and slipped into your night wear.

And walked over to your restroom. And Brushed your teeth. And washed your face.

So clear was your face. And you hardly ever did anything for it. Anyway you finished up and walked out to the living room. Where your mother sat on the floor.

She finished up setting up the shrine.

"I was worried that it had broke."

"Yeah me too. I always wanted to move it around. But your dad used to always get mad at me if I tried. And you knew how that ended."

The Eagle & The Cobra [Miguel Diaz X Male Reader]Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu