Looking For Love In All The Wrong Places

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Everything was a bit off. Cobra Kai suddenly turned into a gang. Nerds turned badass. And Miguel began to date Samantha. That quiet kid Eli turned into Hawk.

A lot had gone on. Yet here you were. The lost little rabbit surrounded by predators. Everyone who was in the karate game would be going to the All Valley.

Miguel and Hawk constantly talked about it.

In fact everyone from Cobra Kai did. You as always remained neutral.

Now, you sat peacefully at a lunch table. Eating away at your mother's signature hot pot. Everyone around the old neighborhood always enjoyed her food.

When you heard the loudness of karate jocks. With a gentle sigh you finished your food and placed it back into the straw basket. You took out your water bottle and quickly drank.

All around you the Cobra Kai's surrounded you sitting close to one another. Miguel sat to the right of you. Placing a hand on your back.

"Hey Y/N."

"Hey Migao."

"Why do you call me that?"

"Simple, whenever a child has one name we add another phrase at the end of it like Gao. And it sounds like Miguel."

"And here I thought it meant something."

"It does. In a way it mean Highly Dense."


"Mi sort of means dense or thick. Gao means tall or high."

"Lame ass name."

Hawk stated making you groan. You despised every part of karate now.


"What did you say?"

"In a way it means Idiot in cantonese."


"I speak about 5 languages. Basic Japanese, Cantonese, Mandarin, Chinese, and English. Also spanish."

"Well I'm about to beat you in 5 different ways too."

"How stereotypical."

"Calm down Hawk he's just messing with you."

"No I really do speak 6 languages. Anyway, I don't like fighting anyway."

"But dude you're so good at it."

You chuckled holding out your hand. Revealing your knuckles to be severely beaten and scarred.

"Fighting brings pain. What's the point of pointless pain?"

"Pussy those are just little scars."

"I'd gladly show the wounds I've received from being the son of the famous grandmaster."

Everyone grew silent hearing those words. When you laughed a bit pulling your hair over your left ear.

"Anyway, you all should be great in the tournament. Especially you Migao."

"You really think so?"

"Yes, you learned from me after all."

You both laughed with Hawk giving eyes of hatred. For the rest of the lunch time. You spent it reading "The Art of War."

It's principle's were similar to the Eagles Flight. Fight without fighting. Wage war without waging. Deceive and conquer.

To appear weak when strong. You finished chapter six slipping the book back into your bag. The clock clicked close to 12:15.

The Eagle & The Cobra [Miguel Diaz X Male Reader]Where stories live. Discover now