A Date?

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Two hours had passed with you kicking Miguel's ass. He at least learned how to control how he strikes. Although he would never use it.

Currently you were following Miguel back home. Just as a trusty rabbit should do. You currently listened peacefully to a very gay song. Hot Stuff by you should know by now.

You had been used to walking everywhere. Everything in China was very close to each other. You didn't even have to drive. Everything could be done through train. Now however you had to drive.

Your mother had already learned to drive through the old Monks of the Shaolin Temple.

Although you didn't possess as much skill.

You hoped and prayed to the Jade Emperor that you'd live. When your apartment complex cane into view.

"Well I'll see you in a few minutes."

"Do I really have to tell here we're going on a date?"

"Damn hetero. Yes, if it's all going to work."

"Fine, fine, ok."

You headed up to your apartment. Where your mother was peacefully partaking in a movement of forms.

She was indeed gracefully. Far more than what you could ever pull off. She was indeed a powerful Shifu.

Just then she lifted her left leg up in front of her. Holding her left hand out curling like a wing. Her right arm had the same position.

She inhaled slowly.

Quickly moving her body again. Stretching her leg way in front of her. Stretching out her left fist along side it. Her right hand had stayed the same. She had let out the breath she held. Ever so slowly.

"So then what do you need Jái?"

"Ma, so I need the truck."

"What for?"

"Alright so my friend and I are going out to eat. Because he lost a bet."

"And you wish to use my car?"


"Hmm, I see. Well then."

She pulled herself up onto a crane stance. Pushing her bangs from her face.

"Deal, but you've got to be back by 9. And no drinking."

"Not like I can and ok then great."

"You told him it's a date didn't you?"

"I mean I wanted to see what he'd do."

She burst out in laughter.

"Well then go ahead."

"Thanks so much Ma."

"Remember don't drive into anything."

"I won't mom."

"Alright have fun."

You walked over grabbing the keys and your wallet. No way would Miguel have enough to pay for it all. You at least wanted to help out. You walked out of your apartment. Then down the stairs.

Miguel stood patiently in the square looking down to his phone.

"My, my, how many hours do spend looking at that thing?"

"I don't know maybe long enough to try to find you in some sort of social media."

"Never found any use in it."

"Come on don't you want to show people your moves?"

"You don't understand. I don't like fighting."

The Eagle & The Cobra [Miguel Diaz X Male Reader]Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ