Tanner intertwines our fingers as we head downstairs too his car. I have my license I just don't drive around college because I can always use Tanner's or Olivia's car if needed. He has not told me anything about this date. I am nervous, really fucking nervous.

Tanner hands me a blind fold. "You know what to do," grinning ear too ear.

A few minutes later....

Tanner was guiding me around, and honestly it smelled like books. Are we at a library? Seriously wait what are we doing at a library. As he removed the blind fold to reveal that in fact we were in a library. It was decorated with candles and food, this is so beautiful.

"Baby." wrapping my arms around him giving him multiple kisses.

"Did I do okay?" He grins

"God yes, this is so beautiful and I love it." Eyeing everything and piece he set up. My god I am so in love with him.

"So I didn't see you for a couple of days everything okay?" Asking him as I eat the pasta.

"Yeah, just been waiting for my letter to tell me if I am going to play in the double A or High A so stressed all my life I've been working for the major leagues, and if I make it into the double A I have a higher chance too get playing time in the big leagues." He says eating his food

"Well I think you will do amazing because, you are a great pitcher from what I've seen at the games." Smiling at him

"Thank you for believing in me it means a lot." Tanner takes hold of my hand

Dinner was just amazing, and I love being in the school library it's so big and beautiful it's my heaven. He knows this because he has literally had to drag me out of here a lot. Just for him to even plan this I know took a lot of begging for Helga the librarian.

After dinner was done and over and everything got put away.

"So I have a gift for you, and you have to put the blind fold back on." Tanner smirks

"I don't think I can take more gifts, this one is perfect," blushing softly at my boyfriend.

"This one is going to be great." Tanner takes ahold of my now sweaty hands. I hate my hands are sweaty that is so not hot. "Hey, princess relax you are always safe in my hands."

I swear we were in the car for about fifteen minutes and I was getting scared when it finally came to an halt. "Tanner if you are going to kill me please make sure my books go to Olivia and Kenzie!"

"Noted, but I am not coming to kill you but stay there so I can get out." The door slams shut and I started to get nervous.  Tanner Logan blind fold...what in the world. My side door opens and Tanner picks me up, shutting the door with me still in his arms...how in the world?

Setting me down, he wraps my arms around him. Stairs there are stairs, then a step up. My heels tap on the floor making that annoying sound. We come to a stop and Tanner let's go of me. "What do you feel?"

"A table?" questioning myself. "Take the blind fold off."

Unwrapping the blind fold, it reveals a kitchen. A beautiful kitchen...grey tile floors, with matching cabinets, and a huge sink on the side of a huge aisle. "What is this, are you house sitting?"

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