Chapter 4 - Morning

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Katniss POV

After my shower I quickly get dressed, and head downstairs. Peeta isn't awake yet, so I decide to head to the forest by myself to collect my thoughts and maybe get a couple squirrels for dinner. The lush green of the forest comforts me, and gives me a sense of security that I have longed for since the rebellion.  As I walk I am overwhelmed with the memories this place has.  This is the first time since I've been back that I've taken a walk through the old hunting grounds. 

Our old hunting grounds. 

The memories of Gale surround me, and I start to cry. He was my best and only friend before the games, and now I don't know what's become of him. I've written letters to mom back in district 13 asking if she knew of his whereabouts, but she knows as much as I do. I just hope he's safe, and alive. That's all I've ever wanted for him. I quickly wipe the tears away, shoot dinner, and head back to the house. 

As I'm walking up I see Peeta through the window. His brow is frowned like he's concentrating on something very important. I smile to myself and head into the house, I always loved the face he makes when his mind is up to something. "Good morning", I say as I unpack from the trip. "What have you been up to this morning?" he asks not looking up from this project. "Just needed to clear my head from last night, decided to shoot some game for dinner. The real question is, what are you working on?" I say turning around to face him. He looks up and I see flour all over his face. I let out a laugh, and he smiles as he starts to wipe it off. "I went to check out the market they're building in the square. Some of the shops were open so I traded some dried meat for flour, and decided to bake some bread. But its not turning out, and I don't understand why.". He goes back to kneading with that same face I adore.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 12, 2021 ⏰

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