Chapter 9

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When we landed in the next world, it was pretty immediately apparent where we were. Seeing creepy giants who were made up of all muscle and no skin, it was clear to see that we were in the world of Attack On Titan. I didn't really want the titan-shifting ability here, since from what I remember it's not really as simple as transformation. Some girl named Ymir actually exists outside of space and time and makes the Titan bodies every time that the Titans shift. If that's all it was, I could likely perform something similar by combining my knowledge of biology, Kaleidoscope, and Denial of Nothingness. But that seems so tedious.

Nonetheless, we managed to sneakily warp to the other side of the wall, where the walled nation of Eldia resided. We changed our clothes to match the locals and wandered around. Literally within minutes of us warping in, the Colossus Titan broke through the walls. I guess we'd sent ourselves right to the start of the story.

Altera: So what do you want to do? Do you want to help these people too?

Artoria: I think I've had enough of it.

Altera: Really? You, miss kind and noble, doesn't want to help these people?

Artoria: I guess all my time being an actual monarch changed me. There are some good people, yes. But I guess strangely things changed so that I only cared about my people. These are random people suffering, I don't identify with them at all.

Altera: Was it seeing all those evil people in Westeros?

Artoria: Yeah. I think I never realized so vividly how many horrible people are out there. Even some of our own people turned traitor. It was just too much. I understood what Kay felt ruling his Kingdom, the joys he felt seeing his people prosper. But I feel like I'm really not like Kay at all. Being a monarch has just made me dislike people. I just find it hard to care about them as a whole, just perhaps a few people I like. I never want to be a ruler ever again. Let's just stick to helping out people we befriend. I don't want this kind of life anymore.

Altera: Man, some spouse I am, not realizing how hard this has been hitting you all along.

Artoria: It's not really your fault. I didn't want to reveal it to you earlier, because I felt like it was my fault. I was the one who wanted to run a Kingdom after all. Do you think I'm a bad person now? For not wanting to help these people? For not being the kind Artoria you loved so much?

Altera: Artoria, you have it all wrong. I don't love you because you're kind. I loved your kindness because it was your personality. If you were arrogant, or greedy, I'd love those traits about you too. So don't worry about it. I think we can take a break from the whole saving people thing.

Artoria: I love you Altera, I don't know what I'd do without you.

Altera: I love you too little sister of mine. We're in this together.

So as a startling change of pace, we did not save the day. Rather than sticking around for too long, I just warped around, finding all the 7 titan shifters in their special titan forms across space and time. I was guided with Clairvoyance, which I rarely use. I simply used structural analysis on their bodies to understand how they worked. With that knowledge gathered, we just left and headed towards the next world. I could tell Artoria needed to relax for a while. Somewhere she could live in peace and not have any responsibilities. Rather than just go to another world randomly, I guided us towards the world of History's Strongest Disciple Kenichi. For the most part, it was just an ordinary world, and if we got bored we could learn some martial arts from these people.

We warped over, and I had my servants use our massive wealth to procure a massive mansion for us in Paris, France. I figured we could just spend a lot of time being romantic and relaxing together. We spent around 60 years here just travelling around the world, going on tons of dates, and all-in-all it was a good idea. By the end of our time here, Artoria was a lot happier than she was before. I was ashamed of myself for not realizing how much she was hurt, but at least she is happy again.

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