Chapter 7

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So Kingdom building is actually really tough. We separated the most skilled workers and fighters from the rest, and woke them up first. They made up about 1 million of the population. Thankfully, some of them were quite knowledgeable in things like running a city, or various governmental things, so with their help, we began amending our current setup.

New rules were made to cope with things we'd never really thought of, like how we'd handle religion and such. Thanks to the guidance of various artisans, blacksmiths, city planners, and more, we designed a much more practical city. We also made about 7 smaller cities spread out through our lands. Many practical facilities like hospitals, forges, sewers, stables, and all those kinds of things were set up too. We kind of forgot in our rush to set things up that this was a land that used horses for everything.

We began waking up the rest of the population as soon as we could accommodate them. About a million stayed in our capital city, which we named Harmony City. We also began our educational system. It was quite frankly, too much work to figure out how to teach so many people. An educational system could slowly pass on things to the new generation, sure, but we needed a bunch of people with skills right away.

So, we devised a new spell of sorts. We pooled together all the knowledge from all the residents of our land, using their memories. Then, we sort of created a few starter-packs of knowledge. For example, everyone got the reading/writing package, as well as the basic education package. Then some got more detailed knowledge, like the smith, city-planning, tailor, farmer, etc. packages. With this new system, we could quickly help people learn skills pertaining to the professions they wished to pursue, and get them settled in.

Eventually, all of the 5 million people we'd brought had been spread out over the lands. We created paved roads between all our lands, and even a rudimentary railway system that used horses. Transport was pretty fast between our lands for the citizens.

In terms of religion, people were free to follow their faith if it adhered to our standard rules. So for example, any follower of the Seven Gods, had to alter their religious texts if they were blatantly homophobic, or hated bastards, or sacrificed people, and such. You really think a land ruled by 2 gay queens is going to allow for that bullshit? Anyways, I thought it'd prove to be a tough topic, and might cause revolts, but here me picking non-evil people played a large role. Everyone was amenable to the changes, and all the different religions managed to get along with each other.

The model our main city followed, with 4 districts, was what all the cities in our kingdom followed. You could think of it as what makes us unique as a kingdom. Every city had a Nature District. There, the Children of the Forest began to slowly grow in number, and even spread out a bit across our lands. Every city had plenty of area dedicated purely to harmonizing with nature, and a more simple and less materialistic sort of lifestyle. It was also filled with countless artisans, artists, craftsmen, and was the religious hub of our cities.

The next district was the Warrior's district. The giants also spread out, thanks to a population boom they had being in safe and well-fed lands. In general, many warriors and smiths all took up residence in the Warrior's district. You could say every city's armed forces was led from this area, with Artoria being the supreme commander of our armies. There was also a border patrol established, with a sea and land division. A few members of the army also acted as a police-force of sorts, maintaining order.

The third district was the Administration district. In general, the scholars, merchants, and politicians of an area tended to congregate in this area. Many of the people involved in making our laws, managing our finances, advancing sciences, or just wealthy merchants were in this area. There were no nobles in our nation, so it wasn't really as complicated politically as the other parts of this world. Nonetheless, the governmental positions were not inheritable and so many politicians tried their best to make good policies and stay in power. You could also call this the educational district, since all of our schools were here. Schools for all kinds of trades, or just simple reading and writing. Most of the learning was free, sponsored by well, us.

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