"My work would be done here and that's why I ask you, what are you going to do now?"

Takumi swallowed hard and looked to the ground as the golden eyes bore into his.

He took a deep breath before looking up and meeting the Sannin's gaze straight on. He flinched briefly as their eyes met, but held firm. "I said it at the beginning, and I'll say it again. My life is yours.... Strange as it sounds. I would have thrown myself off a roof sooner or later anyway, so I might as well just become useful to you now. You seem to have some kind of use with me, otherwise you wouldn't have picked me up" he said and broke eye contact. He briefly searched for the right words and nervously played with the hem of his shirt before continuing:" I know you're not a good person, even if you tried to hide it. It's hard not to notice that something's wrong when you've got a bunch of mindless men running around and Sora, an eight-year-old who's passionate about cutting people open. At least that's what he was talking about the whole time" he chuckled quietly, almost in disbelief that he had witnessed such a thing.

His breath caught as he tried to continue talking, still avoiding looking at the Sannin.

"I can't say I agree with your methods. I don't know how many people have died in here, or how far your experiments go, it's still hard to process that something like this even happens here." again he took a deep breath and sorted through his thoughts. Orochimaru gave him time.

"I'm pretty sure if I saw a dead body I'd be cowering in the corner puking, but I made a promise and I'm going to keep it. I mean, I'm living in an orphanage and everyone's just waiting for me to get old enough so they can kick me out because they know no one will have me." he laughed dryly and slowly he looked up again, "you were the first person to tell me that they needed me, that you could help me and i..I.... want to stay here, even if it will take me a while to come to terms with what you've done" he smiled slightly and they both looked at each other as the room fell back into silence. A small grin spread across Orochimaru's face.

"I'm glad you chose me" he said smiling in satisfaction. Takumi chuckled again before seeming lost in thought for a moment.

"So um..." he struggled for words, "I know I'll probably regret it, b..but.... can I... see them?.. I m..mean, I know there's probably some pretty fucked up shit going on here, note that you gave me a Quirk which is pretty much impossible..., but... if I'm going to stay here, I want to know what I got myself into" he said, nervously starting to play with his hands again.

"Are you sure you want to see that?" the sannin asked and Takumi nodded, albeit hesitantly. Orochimaru grinned. Who was he to deny someone such a request, especially when he was asking so nicely?

He rose from his seat and Takumi quickly followed suit, almost leaping out of his chair. It was clear that he was tense. Orochimaru walked around the wooden table and put his hand on the boy's shoulder.

The room around them distorted briefly before the spacious office was replaced with the cold, dim corridors of the lower levels. Takumi shuddered and all the hairs on the back of his neck stood up. He winced as a scream rang through the empty hallways. His words caught in his throat and he swallowed hard.

Orochimaru ignored the boy's panic and walked ahead. Takumi hurried after him to avoid being left alone. He wiped his sweaty hands on his pants and faltered each time as another pleading cry cut through the silence.

After what felt like an eternity, they stopped in front of a massive metal door. A hoarse screech sounded from behind it. Takumi had to suppress his trembling as he clenched his teeth. He nodded as Orochimaru silently asked if he was ready.

The sannin opened the heavy door with ease and stepped inside. The shrieking and screaming grew louder and once again the boy shuddered. He was tempted to close his eyes as he stepped over the threshold.

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