Verstappen x Leclerc

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Charles Leclerc

I was sitting on the sofa, from Max and my apartment, waiting for the one I just mentioned. I tried to call him all the time, but he didn't answer. I wrote him at least 100 messages, but they all didn't arrive. I was getting really scared for him. Maybe he had a car accident and is now lying somewhere in the middle of nowhere. Just because we are Formula 1 drivers doesn't mean that we can drive perfectly. I started biting my nails. A habit I wanted to break, but I'm too nervous right now. I can't suppress it. I couldn't take it anymore. I looked for my cell phone and called Daniel. He wanted to do something with Max today.

(C=Charles/ D=Daniel)

D: Ricciardo?

C: Hello Daniel! This is Charles!

D: Hey Charlie! What can I do for you to call me in the middle of the night?

C: Is Max with you?

D: Max? No. He left almost three hours ago. Why?

C: Because he's still not there and he's not answering his cell phone. I've called him almost 50 times and sent him probably over 100 messages, but his cell phone is probably off.

D: Calm down Charlie!

C: Calm down? You want me to calm down?! I haven't heard from my boyfriend in three hours and you're telling me to calm down?!

D: Please don't yell like that! Max is probably fine. He probably just got lost or something.

C: You're not much help to me. Bye

D: I tried. Bye.

Frustrated, I threw my phone away and ruffled my hair. What if something really happened? What if he's dead? Maybe he's cheating on me! I don't even want to imagine that.

I despaired even further when I heard a key in the lock. It's Max! I jumped up and ran to the door. There stood Max, just taking off his shoes. "Max" My voice was just a breath and it was barely heard but Max looked up. "Charlie!!! Why are you still awake?" My eyes glazed over. "Where were you?" "With Daniel" He tried to hug me but I kept my distance. "He said you left three hours ago" He looked at me in shock. "Three hours?! My goodness I've been talking to them for a long time" I frowned. "Who were you talking to?" "I met my old mechanic on the way" I somehow doubted his statement. "And you're not cheating on me either?" His eyes widened. "Me?! I would NEVER cheat on you!" I looked at him still a little unsure. "You really wouldn't?" He shook his head demonstratively. Now it was broken. Tears were running down my cheeks. It didn't want to stop at all. Max gently took me in his arms and stroked the back of my head. "Why are you crying?" I looked up at him. "I thought you were dead. You didn't answer my messages and calls" "My cell phone went off. But, as you can see I'm still alive" I nodded and snuggled up to him even more. He pressed a kiss to my temple and dissolved the embrace. 

"We'd better go to sleep. Don't you think?" I nodded and we went into the bedroom. Max dressed her in a pair of shorts and a t-shirt and then joined me in bed. "Good night Charlie!" He gave me another kiss on the temple before I snuggled up to him and fell asleep.


So the first English OS. I also wanna let you know that I'm gonna translate the current OS with a translator because it would take too much time to do it by myself.

I hope that's okay!

All the love,

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