Chapter Thirty

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For the next week, Zeek and I stayed in the house spending time getting to know each other. I never heard from Drake that whole time. I didn't expect to once Zeek went back for all my things.

Zeek ended up telling Drake what was going on, and every demon down there was catching hell. He was on a rampage. Zeek was ordered to stay with me permanently.

"So, I guess you're stuck with me up here huh?" I asked one morning over my coffee. "Never stuck with you, wanting to be with you permanently is what I consider perfect in my eyes" he said as he kissed my knuckles while holding my hand.

The more time I was spending with Zeek, the more I found myself falling in love with him. I still missed Drake, but never once did he show up.

Darius would pop in from time to time to make sure I was doing okay, even though he didn't want to go back to the underworld. One night I decided we would watch movies and play a few card games.

All three of us ended up passing out on the couch in the family room with a movie playing in the background.

I was starting to show by now, I couldn't tell you how far pregnant I was since being a demon and the baby being a demon born was different than human pregnancies.

All I know is no matter what I was going to love and raise my baby the best way I knew how. Zeek promised me to support and to raise the baby as his, even though we knew it was Drakes.

I felt myself being picked up and carried to bed, thinking it was Zeek, since he has done it every night for the past week.

Once in bed "stay with me" I mumbled. The covers moved and a body slipped in bed with me, pulling me to him I rested my head on his chest.

I sighed and wrapped my arms around his body, I inhaled his scent and that is when it hit me, it wasn't Zeek, but Drake. I sat up in bed and turned to look right into his red eyes.

My heart was beating a mile a minute, "what are you doing here?" I whispered, "I have missed my other half" he said looking at me. I knew I missed him also.

I wasn't going to tell him that though since he withheld so much from me, I was still hurt.

Before I could say anything, Drake pulled me on top of him, we were inches from each other, his lips were almost touching mine, and the pull to him was intense.

Drake took the leap of faith and kissed me, I didn't kiss him back until he kissed me again, and my walls came crashing down, even though there was still a lot to discuss.

In this moment I kissed him back, that one simple kiss ignited the fire that was smoldering deep inside of me. Right then we ravished each other for the night.

I woke up the next morning with Drake wrapped in his arms, both naked and content. I slipped out of his arms and took a shower, threw on a sundress, and headed downstairs.

Zeek and Darius were in the kitchen not saying a word. I grabbed my coffee cup and poured it. Taking it, I sat down at the kitchen table. I looked at Zeek.

"Nothing has changed Zeek, it is still the way I want it between you and I" I said while sipping my coffee. Zeek put his hand out and I placed mine in his as he squeezed it.

Just then Drake walked in, he looked at the three of us at the kitchen table and mumbled something that none of us could make out.

"Zeek and Darius can you both excuse Tabitha and me for a bit, there are some things we need to talk about" Drake asked. Both Zeek and Darius got up and before they walked out "Tabs we are with you" and they disappeared after that.

I sat there smiling while holding my cup. Waiting for Drake to sit down I didn't say a word. It was time he told me the truth about everything.

"I didn't want to tell you that I had other girlfriends that I visit while I travel with work to the different realms, they mean nothing to me that is why I never wanted to marry any of them and make them queen.

I am in love with you, and you mean everything to me, that is why I wanted to marry you and have you as my queen ruling next to me.

I'm sorry I never told you any of this, I should have" Drake said sitting there looking at me.

I sat there looking into my coffee cup, I didn't know what to say to that.

"Thank you for finally telling me that, I know things are different right now, but one thing is after spending this time with Zeek, I won't give him up just like I know you won't give up your flings when you travel."

Drake sat there looking at me, and he lowered his head, "I can live with that, and you're right I won't give up what I have elsewhere, but I can guarantee you that no one will become pregnant with my heirs" he said taking his hand and holding mine.

"When do you think you will be coming home?"

"I am not sure Drake, I am happy here with Zeek, and I think Darius is happy being here, not sure though it is hard to tell with him sometimes, but I want both to stay with me full time" I said not giving any room for negotiations.

Drake stood up, "I will check on you from time to time, the house is open for you at any time. I will not be there until you move back home" he said getting ready to leave.

"One thing Drake, when are we getting married?" that to me is going to be the deal breaker without me telling him that one.

"How about we get married in two months' time?"

"I will see you in two months from this day, you back out Drake and you will never see me or our baby" I said standing up facing him.

All he could do was nod his head and then he was gone.

I sat back down and forgot all about my coffee, I just yet again made a deal with the devil. This time it was on my terms, and it will be up to him if he gets a queen or an enemy.

I refilled my coffee and walked into the family room where Darius and Zeek both sat looking at me.

"Well how about the three of us figure out what we are going to do for the next two months together?" I said smiling at them.

"So, I get to stay with you and Zeek?" Darius asked.

"If that is what you want then yes, I told Drake you were to stay with me as well, and he agreed to it" I said not sure if he was happy or not.

Darius got up and walked over to me and picked me up, "Thank you" was all he said, and he put me down and walked over to the couch and sat down.

"Well, that is settled then, and how did he take it about us?" Zeek asked. "Fine, he has his girlfriends and I have you, I told him there was no other way" I winked at Zeek just then and that got both guys laughing.

"That's my girl" Zeek said, and he stood up and rushed over and kissed me as he was picking me up. I wrapped my legs around his waist, "I'm going to go back and grab my stuff" Darius said and was gone.

"We have the house to ourselves love" Zeek said as he kept kissing me, "we do, so why don't we go upstairs and explore each other" I whispered against his lips.

I didn't have to say it twice, Zeek carried me up the stairs and shut our bedroom door shut as he placed me on the bed, we took our time exploring each other for the next three hours. Afterwards we fell asleep in each other's arms. 

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