Chapter Seventeen

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I stepped in between the hole in the bars and looked around, I could see crumbling old tombstones, and in the distance stood a structure.

From here I could not figure it out but something inside of me wanted to go there.

I was always curious about things that most times would get me into trouble, just hoping this time was not one of those.

This part of the graveyard felt sad to me, I made a mental note to find out why it was not looked after.

The building was coming into view, it looked like an old stone mausoleum.

Standing in front of it, it was a lot bigger than I thought it was from when I first saw it.

Walking to the front door I noticed an inscription.

"Night has come for those who seek it, upon the embraces do those dwells, seek comfort that all are not lost, but our souls have intertwined not with death but with love yet again."

As I read it my hand traced the lettering on the door, it was engraved into the stone.

After reading it the door creaked open for me. A gush of stale air greeted me when the door opened.

Even though it was stale the scent of roses lingered in the air, I looked around and did not even see any traces of flowers.

I was curious but also did not want to get locked in here, since no one knew where I was.

I decided not to go in there just yet, something just was not settling right with me on this.

But I was not ready to leave just quite yet. I sat down on the steps, looking around at this place.

"Tabitha" I heard my name being called and looking up I saw Tony standing there, not as the old Tony as I knew him from our childhood growing up.

But as the new Tony that has changed, his skin was no longer a tannish color but now was reddish with the black veins slightly going through him with his eyes shimmering red.

It was unsettling to see him this way, "Tony" I replied to him. He was not moving towards me, but he just stood there watching me.

"What's going on Tony?" I called out to him, he started to walk closer, but something just was not right with how he walked.

My heart started to pick up a little bit faster the closer he came. The hairs stood up on end as well.

I always listened to what my body told me and for some reason my body was starting to scream get out of there and away from Tony.

I stood up and started to back away, glancing for a way to get out of this part of the cemetery and get my ass home fast.

"Tabitha, you are mine, and one way or another I am going to make it happen" he growled as he got closer to me.

I was not about to stand around and see what he meant by that, so I turned and started to run. Trying like hell not to trip on the old stones that are stuck out of the ground.

I turned to see that Tony was giving chase, which by the look on his eyes was what he wanted, the thrill of the chase like a lion going after his prey.

At that moment, my heart was in my throat, I knew screaming would not help right now, so I tried to swallow it and keep it down.

But as luck was never on my side, I tripped on an old stone that was barely there and fell on my knees, scraping up my hands and I tore a hole in my jeans.

I tried to get up, but Tony was on me before I could blink.

I went sprawling onto my stomach along with the air being pushed out of my lungs as I hit the ground.

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