Chapter Fifteen

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My eyes went to my stomach and then to Drake, "I'm pregnant?" asking him not sure if I could believe it.

"Yes, sweetheart you are" he said as he kissed my forehead when I turned to look at him.

"How can you tell?" I asked and then it dawned on me, of course he can tell, he has powers that I can only begin to guess at.

Smiling down at me, "just have that gift I guess you could say" was all he said. "Oh wow" was all I could muster, right at that moment I was speechless.

"Well at least when I deliver, I will have graduated and won't have to worry about school" I said half joking and half numb to the idea that I was going to have a baby and be married.

"But for now, just relax and don't worry about it, I will be right beside you the whole way love" Drake said, and he stood up.

Wondering why he stood up suddenly, I heard a song playing on the stereo, "will you dance with me my love?" he asked as he held out his hand.

I took his hand and was wrapped in his arms, as I laid my head on his chest and we slowly danced to one of the most romantic songs out there.

After a few slow songs, the beat changed, and Drake picked me up, so my legs wrapped around his waist.

"Ready to go home baby?" he asked as he kissed me, moaning softly against his lips "yes" was all I had to say.

We left the party and went home, where we spent the rest of the night wrapped in each other's arms and for Drake to see how many times I could scream his name out.

I was so glad today was Saturday, I got to sleep in, well I thought I would be able to but there was a constant knocking at the front door.

I started to fuss until Drake told me to go back to sleep, he was going to take care of it.

"Fine by me" I mumbled and pulled the covers back over my head, hating to be the person on the other side of the door.

Facing a very pissed off Devil was not ever a smart move; Drake was wanting to sleep in with me.

That was our plan, sleep, eat, have amazing sex, and sleep and eat more, and continue to repeat the cycle well into Sunday.

I was finally drifting back to sleep until I heard Drake start to yell, and when he yelled the whole house shook.

That was not what woke me up though, I heard Tony yelling right back at Drake. That was what made me sit up and wonder what the hell was going on.

I was about to get up and get dressed when my bedroom door flew open, and Tony walked into my bedroom followed by a very pissed off Drake.

I jumped a bit not expecting anyone and I had to cover myself fast. After spending the night with Drake, I was always sleeping naked anymore.

No sense in putting clothes on when my morning alarm was Drake making my body wet for him so we could have morning sex.

"What the hell Tony?" I asked a bit annoyed that I was being woken by yelling at six in the morning.

"Since this involves you as well Tabs, I wanted to inform you myself that I am challenging Drake for your hand" Tony said looking directly into my eyes.

A laugh came up out of me from nowhere, "you're doing what?" I asked, "you heard me, I think you should be with me and not him" Tony said not budging an inch while Drake started that low deep growling, that kind that when you hear it you know you are in deep shit.

"I don't care Drake, you know I have every right to challenge you for her" Tony said, "I know what you can do, but I don't think you are smart enough to realize who you are dealing with, and when you lose you do realize you forfeit everything and are sent to the lowest place in hell that you will never get out of" Drake said with so much venom in his voice my body automatically shuddered. 

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