Chapter Ten

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Drake wanted to take his bike, but with how the clouds looked I was not going to chance it, so we took my car. I loved his bike but for now this will have to do.

Once at school, Drake took my hand and made sure I was next to his side, I never minded it he was warm plus we belonged to each other, and I was good with others knowing that.

The day went by with no hindrances, which was nice, I did not even see Tony, which I thought after his little scene after school he would be around but was not.

Once we were back at my house, I started to fix dinner, I was starving and Drake sat at the kitchen table, "so love what are we going to go as?" he asked me.

I turned and looked at him, "go as what?" I asked confused, "the party that is being thrown at Tony's even after that shit did what he did I figured we should still go and enjoy our first Halloween party" he said as he got up to get a drink.

I started on the spaghetti for dinner, "I have no idea, I usually never go out" I said thinking on the last time I went out when I was a little kid until I hit about ten then my parents were too busy to take me.

So, I would stay in and eat the candy they bought for me and watch horror movies till I fell asleep.

"We could go as demons" Drake said with a smile, I laughed, "why not, that sounds like fun".

After dinner was ready, we sat eating in the family room watching another horror movie, I loved the week before Halloween, which is when all the good old movies were on nonstop.

After dinner we did up the dishes and went upstairs to my bedroom to finish watching the movie, I was tired but spending time with Drake was always the highlight of my evenings.

No schoolwork, nothing going on, just cuddling with him was perfect. I sometimes wondered why he was always with me and not at his home, but at the same time I did not know if I wanted to know the answer.

All I know is laying in bed with my head on his chest watching a movie was all I cared about now, I knew my eyes were getting tired, but I figured I would just rest them for a few minutes, and he would move, and I would wake up.

My alarm started to go off, I grumbled, looking for my phone to shut it off, I found it on the nightstand and after turning it off I noticed that Drake was not in bed with me.

His side had not been slept in, I listened in case he was in the shower or downstairs, but the house was eerie quiet.

Sitting up I saw Drake left a note,

"Tabs, something came up I won't be at school today, miss and love you see you tonight, Drake."

Well, that sucks, I wonder if I should just call-in sick saying I had a bad headache, I've done that before and it went okay, so deciding to do that I called in and left a message and texted my parents to let them know that I was staying home due to a headache.

I knew my parents would not care but I always had to let them know what was going on with school if I was going to call off.

So, after mom texted that all was good and hoped I felt better, I pulled the covers over my head and went back to sleep. I woke up to my phone ringing.

I saw it was an unknown number, so I let it go to voicemail and fell back asleep.

Next time I woke up it was after six in the evening. I must have really needed my sleep; I never sleep this much unless I was sick, and I felt great.

At that moment, my stomach made its demands known, so I headed downstairs and made myself a sandwich, not knowing if Drake was coming over, I figured he probably was not going to be here to eat since it was as late as it was.

I remembered that I had a voice mail, I grabbed my phone and listened to it.


I hope you are well, but Drake will be gone till tomorrow, something has come up and he wanted me to call you to let you know not to worry and he will have your guy's costumes all set for the party the following night."

Who the hell was that, sounded like an older lady, perhaps his mother, no idea but I will have to ask him next time I see him.

So, I made another sandwich and grabbed a drink from the fridge and upstairs I went to binge watch another few movies before passing back out for the night.

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