Chapter; 12

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Sam's POV; first person.

Waking up the next morning felt like heaven. I didn't feel sad this morning so that was a small relief, peering back at the sleeping Jake holding me to his body, he didn't want me to go anywhere but I had to go and get dressed.

"Jake let me goooooo."

I whispered with a playful voice, Jake, who's eyes were still closed, let out a small chuckle and pulled me closer to him, he buried his face into my neck and took in the scent of the perfume I used. Yes I use perfume. Ariana grandes rem to be exact, I liked the smell of it. So what?

'Why do you always smell so good Golbach?'

Jake mumbled, his voice deep and croaky, I bit down onto my bottom lip and took his hand's off of my waist, crawling onto his lap with a swift move.

"I have no idea. But come on, we got some stuff to do today."

I said to the male, leaning down and gently pressing my lips against his lovingly, pulling away while admiring his face at the same time, he was a beautiful human being, climbing off of him, I waddled to my clothes draw, a tired expression on my face since I still felt like I could sleep for days, picking out an outfit, I stripped from my current pajamas, into my day clothes.

I could tell Jake was enjoying himself just by sitting there, watching me with that same lust look in his gaze.

"Take a photo. It'll last longer."

I jokingly stated, after getting dressed, I headed downstairs, to my own surprise, I was actually in a good mood, until I watched Colby rock down the stairs, shirtless. I just decided to mind my own business and not talk to him, and attend to cooking breakfast for me and Jake.

'So. Your really going to choose him over me, are for real Sam? We both know exactly what you want. Your just too afraid to admit that to yourself. If I'm going to be your first crush. I'll be your last too.'

Colby whispered into my ear, brushing it off I shook my head and chewed harshly onto my bottom lip, trying to resist temptation.

"What you did. Was fucked up. Why would I go back to someone that clearly never gave a shit about me and my fucked up mind in the first place. That would be asking for it. But I'm not. All I asked was for you to care about me. Even if you didn't want too. You could of at least acted like it."

I told him straight, playing around with Colby was a dream but it also wasn't the place I needed to be right now, I wanted something real, an actual relationship where we mutually cared about one another.

'Well. Jake needs to learn to back away from things that aren't his. I'll end up ruining more then his face if he continues sleeping with you.'

Tipping my head back In annoyance, I let out a groan to his words, not phased by his play anymore.

"Cole I don't belong to you. Maybe if you treated me with the respect I deserve. Then maybe you could have that right. But Jake only gets to do that right now since he's cleaning up the mess you left behind.... Me. Now fuck off, I'm trying to make breakfast."

I told him straight. I wasn't at all happy, but, I did know that wouldn't be the last time me and him would talk, for sure, I just wasn't looking forward to. The next things that were going to come from that mouth of his, it was exactly eight days until my birthday, and I wasn't too excited, it wouldn't be the same without Colby there, but in my opinion, I don't think he cared too much about it anyway.

'Maybe if you would of given me time. Or a chance to show you that I care. You'd be talking differently.'

To his words a small chuckle left my mouth, dishing up the breakfast I made for me and Jake, as soon as I turned around to bring the food to the table, he was stood right in front of me, so close that our bodies almost came into contact. I tightly closed my eyes seeing his exposed body, I didn't want to get tempted by him, I've come too far to give in now.

"I'm not- I can't- I won't give you a chance Cole. You ruined me and didn't care. As friends you didn't care. What will make the difference as my boyfriend?"

That's just it. I knew it wouldn't, and yet I was still debating it, what the hell is wrong with me. Shaking my head I quickly move past the male, placing the plates down onto the table waiting for Jake to come down, and I prayed that he came down soon, I didn't know how much more of this I could handle.

"That was rhetorical. Don't answer that."

'That's the thing Sam. It would make every difference you being mine. And I being yours.'

He said to me. But I already knew that he was lying again, all I ever asked was for him to care. I just wanted him to act like he cared, like I meant something to him, just enough of that and I'd be okay, it's always me being there for him, but when I need him, he's never here for me, feeling a tear slip from my waterline, down to my cheek, I quickly wipe it away.

"Fuck off colby! You never do what you say you will! A relationship is supposed to be equal on two sides! But I find myself always doing the work! If I ever meant something to you. You would of never shut me out because of work. Your tired and hurting. But you never had to hurt me because of it. You didn't even have the decency to say sorry to me. The only time you actually messaged me with full on words that were more then thank you, or sorry, was when you wanted to argue with me, how about using those words to make the person who's trying to help you feel appreciated. But no. Because your selfish. And every living and breathing thing has to be about you!"

I cried out, my voice breaking slightly, I just wanted love, I wanted love from no one else but him, I had lost friends along the way because of him and he didn't understand that I needed them if he wasn't going to be in my life anymore, closing my eyes I took a deep breath in, and walked away from the situation, heading into the bathroom and locking the door, keeping myself away from him.

Sam Golbach  -  Overthinking.Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin