Chapter 6

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*Back to present time*

Lia tripped over a rock. Of course she did.

"Geez I told you to be careful"

Ryujin tied her handkerchief on Lia's scraped knee to cover.

She looks up to see the black haired girl pouting.

"Well you shouldn’t have ran in the first place, you know I'm not used to running"

"Yeah, sorry about that, come on let me give you a piggyback ride. It's the least I could do"

"Y-you don't have to, it doesn't hurt that bad..and besides we're already near." Lia was waving her hands all over.

"Aish, come on just hop on you big sloth, it's not like you're not used to it." Ryujin just smirked.

Sighing in defeat, Lia pushes herself off the pavement and onto Ryujin, her arms thrown around her best friend’s neck.

Ryujin who had no problem carrying her dashed forward like there's no tomorrow.
The sudden act made Lia tighten her grip, but she didn't complain. She was having fun as well.


Lia sighs in satisfaction as she walks out of the shower all freshened up. She heads to the dresser and opens up a drawer dedicated for her overnight clothes.

Ryujin was helping Yuna finish her homework before they could start watching.

So Lia was left alone in Ryujin’s room
Absentmindedly drying her hair with her hand she hears something.

Someone was singing and playing a piano at the same time. She doesn't know the song, but it's a beautiful melody.

Curious as to where the music was coming from she opened the door to the balcony.

As she stepped outside it was more apparent the sounds she heard were indeed coming from a piano. To say Lia was surprised was an understatement when she saw who was producing such a gorgeous melody.

Yeji ’s hands come to a stop, causing the melody that had just been filling Lia’s ears to cease.

"L-Lia?" The red head’s s eyes are wide open as she stares at her neighbour's opened balcony. "I-I didn’t know you were there."

"It’s movie night with the Shins"

"Oh right, Ryujin did mention that."

"Why are you in the film club? You could be with the glee club or the music club.." Lia immediately questioned, she was really curious, why was she hiding such talent.

"It was the way."

Yeji smiled as she slid the cover over the piano. "To be honest, I stopped with the whole music thing when I entered highschool.  I only started playing again when I met Ryujin."


"I-it's not like that.." Yeji scratches her head. It was rare for Lia to talk her alone, and to act so concerned about her; their relationship was only built because of the people they had in common.

But what the hell she thought. Maybe opening up to Lia could deepen their friendship and clear all the misunderstandings.

Yeji takes a deep breath, feeling the cool breeze of night.
"People used to call me a genius.. I learned to compose music, and play the piano at a young age...and my parents pushed me to join competitions. I won a lot of them by the way." Yeji smiled but somehow it was a sad smile.

"But they were pushing me.. so hard, that I started to hate's painful when you start to hate something you used to love." She choked back a tear.

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