I - Helloo

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Hi hi :)

I'm Phi. Welcome to my horrible life.

It all started when A certain redhead made his appearance into the blading world and now I can't go out to buy a cup of tea in peace.

I sighed as I put my phone away. Everywhere you visit online that mentions me, I am attacked.

But I apologized, didn't I?

I guess some people don't want to hear it.

I remember nearly crying the day I streamed my apology through the WBBA. I can't believe it took me such a severe and humiliating defeat to learn that I was so wrong.

Well, as of now, some people have just moved on from me because they can't bear to remember my pathetic self and then there's others who just wish me the worst in life.

I want to start over, but easier said than done. Who on earth would battle me anymore? And I probably traumatized Aiger!

I groaned and rubbed my temples, feeling sick. I got up went to the kitchen to make myself some tea, like I usually do.

I poured in some water into the kettle and opened the cupboard to look for tea bags. The empty container made me feel even more sick.

"Hyde? Are there any other tea bags??" I yelled.

"Bro if you want tea your gonna have to go down the street to the supermarket to get the stuff. I ain't buying it for you," he yelled back. I sulked. I furrowed my brows at the thought of going outside, the last time didn't go too well.



I walked into the living room. Hyde was playing games on his phone.

"But you know how last time went!" 

"Don't tell me your scared of words, Phi"


"Aww man I got killed," Hyde whined, talking about his game of course. He turned around to face me and looked me dead in the eye.

"Listen Phi, you can't keep depending on me to get stuff for you. You can't keep asking the others either, go to the shop like a normal person!"

"Why do you keep torturing me like this!" I yelled. I huffed and paced towards my room, slamming the door shut. Why doesn't he get it? 

What does he know about how I feel anyway? It was me not him who messed up so bad. But why does he have torture me like this...

I stuffed my face into my pillow and tried to calm down. Taking deep breaths, I realized I was being a bitch again.





Why can't I just be a good person? Why is being good so hard. I try and try but then I fail.

That doesn't mean I want to be a bad person, but I still wish that being good and understanding and loving was easier.

I'm never gonna make it, am I?

No one likes me.

Probably not even my own family.

I was always a burden. And now I'm even more of one. People probably don't deserve to be doomed to such a curse that is me.

Since I knew no one likes me I thought that...

...I could just live and do everything by myself.

But I wasn't even able to do that! I went rogue! I destroyed beys! I fricking traumatized a boy my age! And most importantly; I failed.

I fail at everything it's not even funny.

I didn't dare look up from stuffing my face into my pillow, I knew I was going to cry if I did. Always an emotional bitch, aren't I?

I just wished I could stop.

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