Chapter 5

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*In one Coffee House*

While Mrs. Watthanasetsiri drinking a cup of hot coffee peacefully in an coffee shop, someone pat her shoulder and here we go.




"Hmm, the coffee quite delicious." Suddenly, someone pat her shoulder.

"Nam, you're Namtan right?"

"Yes, I'm"Said her nicely.

"Hey, it's me Jane. Can't you remember me?"

"OMYYYYY ai' Janeeeee, since when did you've became this pretty?."

"Hahahaaaaa, it's been a while since the last time we met each other."

"Yes, come come sit, we got a lot of stories to catch up."

"Oh, right the last time we met each other when our son just 3 years old."

"Yes, yes after that we rarely met each other. Tell me how's life there"

"Well after we move every thing when fine. Mix also met new friend there, but because of ai' Jack has to transfer again so I've made mix transfer to new Uni in University of Vihokhratana. Our house just an hour from the Uni."

"Seriously?! University of Vihokhratana???"

"Yes, yes yes ai' Nam."

"What's a coincidence?! You remember my son Earth? He also there on the sophomore years."

"Awww?! That's great then he can watch out after mix. You know what it's hard to find hostel for mix because all the hostel was already full."

"Serious? I guess now is the time for them then. It's ok mix can live with my son then, he live in the condo alone 3 building beside the uni. So, they can take care of each other."

"Hmm, will that be ok? Won't earth feel bother?"

"hey, don't worry. He'll be happy I guess. You know it's been ages since I see him really happy, since Mix moved."

"If you say so then it's will be no problems. Yeah, I know same goes to Mix, even he likes to complain about Earth back then but he still smile afterward."

"See, it's fine I guess. Let's make them a surprise. Give me your number. Let's meet again often."

"Ok ai' Nam. Hey, you can come to my house if you want to I bet Jack also miss his bestfriend."

"I will, I will no worries, since we lived not far from each other. Ok then, later I will chat you the address then."

"Ok, I will go to pack up Mix things then."

"Ok see you soon."




*Meanwhile in the uni*

"Shit! Is that asshole also in this Uni?" ask mix complaining to both of his friend.

"Well, sadly yes and the worst is he is the most famous sophomore in our Uni ai' Mix."

"Look's like he'll hunt after me again." Mix said with sad voice

"Ai' Mix, I think you can't run from him any longer. But after you moved he's kinda weird."

"But you see later with me nothing will be weird."

"Ai' mix, how about your dorm? Have you found one?"

"Hmmm, not yet but my mom just chat me just now he said he found out a condo nearby for me. I guess its settle then."

"If like that it's fine then. But if you're lonely you can always stay at our room Mix."

"Yes, you're always welcome friend."

"Ok , ok"

"Ok, Let's go to our class then or else the lecturer will lock the door. Hurry up guys."




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